Right diplomatic track registers tangible results: Premier

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia’s efforts for the resumption of direct talks between the two Sudanese parties, and the acceptance of Ethiopia-AU transition proposal are among the major showcases to the growing role of Ethiopia in the region as well as internationally.

Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed said this yesterday as he briefed journalists on current national as well as international issues relating to Ethiopia.

The international community has been supporting Ethiopia’s proposals aimed at ushering in democracy and peace in Sudan in a way that regards the country’s sovereignty, he said.

He also noted that Ethiopia, as it has been doing so far, has remained impartial and focused only on creating common ground for both parties.

Also, the premier indicated that Ethio- Eritrean relations are strengthening from time to time. Some people may wrongly perceive the closure of borders as a sign of soaring relations, but the fact is, the premier said, both sides are working tirelessly to put the

 ties on solid ground through devising transparent legal instruments.

The Eritrean government has been evaluating proposals presented to it on the use of ports, and other discussions are in the pipeline, he added. Prime Minister Abiy further stressed that diplomatic cooperation among other African countries has also gathered new momentum.

As to him, Ethiopia cherishes the values of Medemer (synergy) on the principles of Activation, Balance and Common Ground which he summarized as the principles of “ABC”.

To him, relations with countries outside Africa are bringing about tangible results. Ethio-Chinese cooperation, for instance, has been translated into unprecedented financial grants, he said.

Besides, the cooperation with China has brought successes in restructuring commercial loans to concessional ones, not to mention the canceling of debt interests.

“Chinese confidence in the administration has also substantially grown.”

 Meanwhile, the Prime Minister indicated that the government has worked to its disposal to ensure the rule of law in the country.

Despite the government’s strict measures on wrongdoers, unlike the past, the human rights of detainees are respected fully at all correction centers.

Unlike what many people are saying the ruling party EPRDF still maintains the positions that the upcoming election should be conducted as per the schedule, said the Premier who is also chairperson the ruling party.

To him, the government has no mandate to solely decide on the postponement of the election but the strong stance it takes is that series of discussions should be held nationwide, and it is up to all stakeholders to rule out whether or not the election should go as per the schedule.

Regarding investment, the premier said government’s major goal is to make the investment climate conducive to attract more FDI.

He said measures being taken in relaxing the investment climate would pay off in creating jobs to citizens.

Comparing the previous years’ forex earning with the current one, he said the country has earned currency that far exceeds that of the previous years. “The government has distributed forex to the private sector cutting government spending.”

Moreover, Abiy extended his gratitude to the media for the creative works in promoting the national greening initiative that culminated in setting a new world record by planting over 353 million saplings only in 12 hours.

He also appreciated all parties and individuals who partake in the planting program. “The synergy exhibited in the day should be replicated in other development fronts as well.”

The Ethiopian Herald August 2/2019


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