Diplomats, expats to partake in Monday’s national tree plantation program

ADDIS ABABA- Embassies, regional and international organizations have planned to plant trees in different parks on Monday, as part of the national tree plantation program which sought to plant 200 million trees in a day setting a new world record, Ministry Spokes Person told The Ethiopian Herald yesterday.

Spokes person Nebiyat Getachew said that embassies and international organizations residing in Addis Ababa have confirmed that they will participate on National Green Development Action Program (NGDAP) to be held on Monday July 29, 2019.

“Ambassadors or representatives of international organizations as well as expats will plant trees in Gulale Botanical Garden in Gullale Sub-city, Addis Ababa,” Nebiyat identified.

“African Union (AU) and Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) heads with their employees will plant trees in the new park behind ECA, in Kirkos Sub-city in the capital,” he added.

In the mean time heads and employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs “will plant over 4000 trees in Mojo, some 64 kilometers from the city,” he furthered.

Planting trees have multi purposes as it advances social capital, builds resilience, climate sequester, mitigation and adaptation, improves health, preserves wildlife and biodiversity, protects and cleans water, and boosts agricultural developments.

 The Ethiopian Herald July 26/2019


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