Tourism Ethiopia prepares resource map

ADDIS ABABA- Tourism Ethiopia said it has been preparing resource mapping in order to tap unexploited tourist destination sites.

Tourism Ethiopia Communication Director Fitsum Kassahun told The Ethiopian Herald that the resource mapping will help to identify, register and promote the untouched tourism resource potentials of the country.

Using resource mapping, the organization has identified seven tourism destinations to develop. These are Arba Minch, Wonchi, Semen Mountain, Gheralta, and Bale Mountain and so on. “We are developing and promoting tourist sites to increase the number of tourists who visit sites.”

In this regard, various tasks are being carried out in collaboration with stakeholders particularly investors.

Indicating that lack of integration among relevant bodies in the sector is a major challenge for the development of tourist sites, he said that stakeholders such as Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Wildlife Development and Protection Authority and Tourism Ethiopia are working jointly to achieve the set target, he said.

The Ethiopian Herald July 25/2019


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