Religious institutions affirm readiness conserving environment

ADDIS ABABA – Religious institution said that the national plantation program will play great deal in conserving natural resources and protecting environment.

Dr. Abeya Wakoya, Mekane Yesus Development and Social Service Commission Program Director with the Ethiopian Evangelical Church indicated that conserving natural resources is vital part of environment protection.

In every part of nation, the Church has more than 250 projects working
on conservation of natural resources and environment protection. All of the projects involve the society.

As to the Director, the projects aim at rehabilitating degraded lands; conserve the environment.

Expressing that that the Church has started working on variety of environment conserving activities much earlier than plantation became a global agenda, he said that a plan is also set to plant one million saplings every year.

“Attention should be given whether the seedlings we are planting could be compatible with the area we are planting the seedlings. Apart from planting, we should also be responsible for protecting, nurturing and conserving the already planted seeds.”

Agidew Redie (PhD), Development and Inter-Church Aid Commission Commissioner of Ethiopian Orthodox Church of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewehido Church said that the Church has allocated 109 million Birr and is planting various endogenous and exogenous seedlings to conserve forests in churches and monasteries which benefits different parts of the society.

According to him, plantation helps societies to have fresh and natural air on their surroundings. He further noted that the Commission will strengthen its role by devising different projects.

Asserting that the Church is always keen to participate on the country’s development programs, he mentioned that they are preparing to be part of Primer’s ambitious plan. Hence, different kinds of seedlings along with holes are prepared in the compounds of its parishes and monasteries across the country. He added that the Commission is participating in reforestation programs.

Osman Adem, Communication Director of the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council’s said that planting seeds has given a great value in Islamic Religion. It is considered as Jihad or granting a prize for something.

Thus, following Primer’s call on plantation, the followers are carrying out various activities, he said. Seedlings are being planted in every mosque. As to him, only few areas are left to be covered.

The Director called on all the followers to participate in the coming seedlings plantation program.

The Ethiopian Herald July 24/2019


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