Turning a blind eye is the only way out ( A Short story)

Unusually, Sarah got up bright and early and hurried straight to Arat Kilo with the purpose of buying a birthday present for her friend’s daughter. Despite everything in the length and breadth of the area cost an arm and a leg, she began window shopping running around like a chicken with its head cut off. She did not know what she had to do seeing that the money she had in hand at that moment was not that sufficient.

Almost immediately, more than a few things kept on flickering through Saron’s mind with regard to the ever-increasing price of most items in different parts of the country. Getting the best items she needed for the birthday present was like pulling teeth. At that time, she had a one track mind. Her lucky star was not with her. She was losing her head.

However, after she did some window shopping, she bought a pair of trousers which was not that attention-grabbing. As if something was missing in her life, she was not happy.

All of a sudden, when it began raining cats and dogs, Sarah headed straight to a certain cafe seeking shelter. When she entered into the cafe, everyone was busy talking about a range of unfounded topics revolving around the country’s current political situation.

Likewise, most of the customers in the cafe were sharing their bravado. The whole thing was full of lies. The whole lot was beyond Sarah’s head. She could not understand why some people make an effort to put fuel on unrest in the midst of the general public. They were spreading cooked up stories. A range of ideas were tossing around in the cafe time and again. Everybody was getting into a heated shouting match.

Though she lost her temper considering what was going on in the cafe, she endeavored to swallow her feelings, ideas and thoughts in a very peaceful as well as logical ways.

In the middle of their talk, one of the customers called Nigusu furiously and said, “What I hate to death in all my born days is a person who talks about what they know not, what they do and interfere in what do not concern them. More to the point, I abhor people who fully engage themselves in cooked up stories which could lead the people to confusion.”

He added, “As human beings, people should be able to separate the sheep from the goats and keep the country alive and kicking. They should give their all for their motherland instead of getting themselves involved in unsubstantiated information. What is more, they have to be logical and reasonable. Most of all, they do not have to accept the whole thing as true.”

He added, “By the same token, as human beings, we need to bring into play the God-given reasoning power as it should be. Additionally, they should improve their reasoning skills now and again apart from treating everybody equally turning a blind eye to ethnicity, religion, political point of view, hatred and cooked up stories, among others. ”

This time, Sarah turned out to be very happy and gave a standing ovation. She was constantly giving a big hand. She did not know what she was doing except bursting into laughter. All of a sudden, everybody kept quiet.

After a moment or so, Sarah said, “I love my country more than anything under the sun. Nothing makes me happier than living in Ethiopia peacefully with my fellow citizens. Ethiopia is my mind, my heart, my soul, my breath and what have you. We should all work hand-in-glove with the intention of cementing unity, collaboration, forgiveness and healing. Ethiopia should be our common agenda. Without a shadow of a doubt, we feel like a fish out of water devoid of our country.

At a stroke of a pen, Nigusu’s face lit up with happiness. He said after clearing his throat, “We do not have to fail to remember what was going on all over the country at some stage in the unreformed regime. The situation of the country was moving into uncharted waters. At that specific juncture nobody could predict the future of the country.”

Sarah replied, “You are right. At that point in time, everything was beyond our control. The future of the country was hanging in the balance. But after Dr. Abiy Ahmed took office, the whole lot became on the right track. I would say, the premier is rescuer of Ethiopia. He has redeemed Ethiopia by making the impossible possible and the unthinkable thinkable. ”

She added, “At this moment in time, we are breathing in the oxygen of peace and freedom despite challenges following cooked up stories spreading in some parts of the country. Therefore, for the love of our country, we should be able to say and do the whole thing responsibly. Whatever happens, we should attach significance to peace, unity, togetherness and other related aspects.”

She continued, “People in every part of the country did not know what they had to do except crying their eyes out for beloved ones. Quite a lot of people were giving up hope on Ethiopia. Things were getting off the track. Everything was heading in the wrong direction. We were as helpless as a baby. Some people were predicting that the country would end up becoming a fragile state.”

Everybody in the cafe was attentively listening to their conversation. They did not come up with other opinions. Quite a lot of things embarked on coming in and out of their minds.

In due course, Hailu, one of the customers said, “We all have one country, Ethiopia. We are incomplete and empty without our country. Ethiopia belongs to all of us. We all feel like a fish out of water without our country. We should all give the cold shoulder for anything which erodes our unity, togetherness, oneness, love and what not.”

In the middle of their conversation, Sarah’s cell phone started ringing. It was her friend’s daughter who gave her a call to ask her not to miss her birthday party.

In next to no time, she rose to her feet saying whatever happens, we should give priority to our country turning a deaf ear to fabricated stories. We do not have to get ourselves involved in unnecessary conversations which pose a threat to our motherland.”

All things considered, the customers gave their words not to participate in unfounded information which could lead the country to unrest. They as well vowed to take the country to new heights of success working jointly.

In due course, Nigusu said, “We should all work in unison for the love of establishing peace and tranquility in every corner of the country and helping the premier achieve the desired goal. If we do so, all Ethiopians will harvest the fruit of success within the shortest time possible.”

The Ethiopian Herald July 21, 2019


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