It is tragic listening, here and there, the suffering of new born children. Babies deserve protection within the umbrella of parenthood. Parents are duty bound to take care of infants from conception to birth and then after.
As the saying goes “The child is the father of the man” taking care of the babies has a role in predicting the fate of the generation and the country. In developing countries, in the absence of children protection ways, at times, new born babies may be coerced to fend for themselves.

Orphans are handed over to the third parties for the future prospect of step’s families. The orphanage babies have taken as a business for the second parent to get retirement fees after the babies reached at the age of productive moment. The orphaned babies also give pain relief for parents they are transferred to.

This helps for withdrawal from boredom, depression, loneliness and post stress trauma disorders. As the orphans hail from poor families, the babies are taken and given like a commodity to the third parties who cannot beget one. This indicates that money buys everything including, human beings. When the babies grow-up, using them as servants and labor exploitation is becoming a fact of life.
It is a usual phenomenon that within a legal framework, fetuses are aborted stripped of the right to life. Abortion is being considered as the mechanism to slacken the accelerating rate of population. Not worrying much and not giving due concern for the upcoming generation are really becoming the damn day to day activities of human society.
The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition 7 July 2019