Just 4 good will …

 Never brag about ur quality just show it

Because word without action is void,

To get yourself better than a stone

Introspect, win your life

Respect people regardless of status

Because all are humans

Control ur emotion and be cool with all

Don’t judge things emotionally

Because it does not showcase

Your right mood

Mind that u r mortal

And ur works stay perpetual!

Love all and do good to all

Be it for white or black

The rich or the poor

The boss or the subordinate

A citizen or a leader.


All nations of the universe

Should act quickly,

Pls don’t be tardy

Take action before it is too late

Don’t defer tasks for tomorrow

Do it today. No do it now!

To love human beings

And to do good to all


Pay to this attention.

On coming generation,

All our works surely

Have two consequences

Either bad or good.

Now, it is time to bequeath the good

For generations

And a time to efface the bad

Such an act has a good consequence.

That may not make news

 But that calls people of the nation

To stand together

And ensure a peaceful future!

Though it could make news,

The bad action is a bad one

That could tarnish the image of nations

Brings forth ruins

Its consequence is marring human peace.

After all forget all

Forgive all

Yet, ponder on the furtherance of human peace

Ruminate about change and peace

The reality is ….

No war does not guarantee there is change

The presence of war does not warrant change

But there is a fight in every arduous track of life

Whatever the situations,

Seek to love others

That is called change of the mind

Has the ability to change the world.

Put your love in action

Forget null emotionDon’t deceive anyone

To do so, don’t go a step out of your way

Just not deceive yourself and ur life

Be selfless

Caring for yourself

Then you can be a voice to the voiceless.

Work to build peace

Respect the human race

Be honest for yourself

Build your life’s shelf

Lose yourself in serving others

Rather than wiping out people at a faster pace.

Just for good will Show your will.

Here lies the secret why human beings

Stand peculiar from other creatures.

If u admit this

Try to give peace for humans

Salvage creatures from damages

But manage and administer it properly

Because u are authorized officially

Before the time is over, prior the sun sets

It is time to do things differently

Towards the reign of peace

Otherwise, it is near to face

Darkness, protests and sinister for alert

The ominous day is lurking by the doors

The choice is on our hands

Then don’t tarry to stand for peace

Putting revenge behind your back.

Allude to the long history of the world

Many leaders, officials tried to unite the world

By using a huge army,

They killed millions in the name of democracy

But whatever they did

They can’t win their battles,

Still, their act put many in worry

For their bad and loveless effort

Now choose to build your future

To escape from worry

The better option is love

It uplifts everyone

Never cooperate with evil

But spare people from the net of evil doers

This is called “Just for good will

Giving your will!”

So then never practice

Evil philosophy like “Who cares!”

Keep the community norms

Share vital human values

Like forgiveness, tolerance

Never uphold

Inane philosophy like “Do I care?”

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition 7 July 2019


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