Invisible hands behind the curtain of diplomacy

He had been active in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) for over 30 years .He started as a consular and ambassador. He served in Ethiopia and abroad in different places and positions for so many years.He had involved mainly in multilateral diplomacy.

Out of the 30 years he spent in MoFA, the 15 years were devoted to shuttling between New York and Brussels. In other words, he served on the behalf of the country as consular in New York and in Brussels as minister consular. So, bilateral diplomacy deals on specific issue of country at a time, however, multilateral diplomacy deals on many issues. Ethiopia had a number of Socio-economic and political issues, among others, which were discussed on the forums. Thus he was engaging in many issues. Ambassador Teruneh Zenna is currently the head of TZ and Associates Consultancy engaged in the area of consultancy services for foreign investors and others.

The Ethiopian Herald had time with Ambassador Teruneh Zenna. Excerpts;

Herald: How do you assess Ethiopia’s diplomatic activities since the EPRDF’s ascent to power?

Teruneh: During the course of the last 15 years, the country had managed to register satisfactory results in the sphere of diplomacy. The late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi designed a diplomacy that could serve as a springboard for the economy of the country.

Meles enunciated “Poverty is the country’s formidable enemy!” Other diplomatic issues will be addressed after stabilizing the economy of the country. He thus remolded diplomatic mission by strengthening the economic muscle of the country. By the same token, if we develop economic strength and if we stand on our feet, it will not be hard to get the support of others. That was exactly what happened.

Ethiopia is becoming one of the fastest countries in the world in economic growth. It has managed to reduce poverty rate by 50 to 60 percent. For instance, even if Nigeria has revenue from oil, about 50 percent of its population is still living below 1 dollar a day.

With limited resources and based upon national income, we have succeeded to reduce the alarming rate of poverty. As part of this bid, we managed to build several schools and hospitals. We also undertook gargantuan construction and infrastructural projects. As a result, Ethiopia has become the center of development. Previously, the westerners were disposed to name- calling. They were referring to the country as a place of famine.

In 1960s, it was one of the poorest countries in the world. Ethiopia was referred to a hell on earth. Because of this, everybody used to despise us. This is what we were. Then, the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi changed its image to the better making the country exhibit the fastest growth that stunned the world. Then, the country revived from the sentiment of “land of misery” and embarked on the path of economic development. It also became politically a robust country. Due to this, we, at least, have a leading role and “veto power” in Africa. The diplomatic activity should be sustained taking into consideration the economic empowerment of the country.

Of course, there was a shortcoming. That is why, we always failed to assume our nation as part of African continent. We were reluctant in creating diplomatic relationships with African nations. Then our historic diplomatic rivals took advantage of our diplomatic inactivity. That is the main reason why the country could not be stabilized.

Abiy Ahmed’s leadership tried to bridge the gap. Hence, the country is closely connected with African and Arab countries in terms of trade, investment, security, among others. Especially, enhancing close partnership with Arab countries is significant for the future fate of the country. Arab countries are the richest nations.

This is one thing that the late Prime Minister Melese Zenawi forgot to heed. But one of the most important things is being self-sufficient. We should not be following the footsteps’ of others. In other words, we should be neutral. We should make ourselves independent. We must not to be guided by external parties. This is very important.

Anytime and anywhere we should stand one to redress African problems and causes. We cannot distance ourselves from African people. They are the ones who could come to our rescue when something wrong befalls us. We should organize the Africans as one entity. For instance, I believe IGAD is on the wrong track and weak intergovernmental institutions. We need a strong regional institutions and organizations, below African Union, where operating everyday activity, peace, security, economic development of the continent. That is what missing now.

Herald: How do you evaluate the performance of African Union in prioritizing the African interest?

Teruneh: It is half- baked. I think some scholars take Africa union as a set of less vibrant. But for me, it is out of the fact. For instance, during Ethio-Italian conflict, nobody came to help us except Britain. Latin Americans were fully supporting the Italians.

During the Ethio-Erteria conflict, because of having a sort of cultural affiliation, all the Arab Countries were espousing independence of Eritrea.

As I served in United Nations, certain African union members at the United Nations, without the consent of Africa, were renegotiating the Ethio-Eriterian boarder relation showcased through a give- and-take relationship. Why we should be united? We have 54 voices. They do not have any inkling about who Ethiopians are and what their aspiration is.

Presently, young people are oblivious to historical truth of the African continent. The reason is that the young generation does not care to dig out and find facts about the African continent through reading books. Nowadays, the world great power countries focus on Africa mindful that Africa is endowed with natural resources and productive young generations. Even if, European countries are matured and developed enough, they are no more titled as fast growing nations.

Currently, every super power including United States focuses on Africa. U.S. always ignored us because China took the lead. China is everywhere. Africa is the continent of the future. It is replete with young people, whereas Europe and Japan are full of older people. About 60 percent of the aforesaid countries’ population labeled aged is unproductive. Most Africans lie in the productive age bracket. Today, commodity price is going- up. Therefore, one needs natural resources. Fortunately, we have that.

Herald: Do you think that colonizers should be blamed for what happened in the lands of Africa?

Teruneh: Yes or no. During WWII, Japan and Germany were reduced to ashes. Japan faced nuclear bomb. Germany was literary changed into rubbles. The bombs dismantled everything. Then, the whole world condemned the act. I was in Germany in 1970. But within 5 years, one could not trace the mark of the war. The ashes were turned into resources as people were committed. They changed their country and they became the richest country in the world within a short period. So blaming history does not work simply.

Herald: What do you suggest on Pan-Africanism and the process of interregional integration?.

Teruneh: Between 1960 and 1970, there were elites and leaders who were capable enough to generate a spectrum of path-breaking ideas. The younger generation does not have a firm belief in generating ideas. As a result, nobody reads about Pan-Africanism or negritude. Nobody reads about Africa unification. Youngsters spend their time on mumbo jumbo staffs. Idea is also very important. From where could fruitful ideas get generated? How it is developed? How does one goes about it? This is what we should be thinking. We are not doing that.

We have to be part of Pan-Africanism. This is really a very important thing to consider. I really admire Kwame Nkrumah, and other contemporary historians and thinkers. The leaders, today, are not like that. We are in different scenarios and path outlets. Africans took Ethiopia as a model and cradle land or center of civilization. Even it is the center of negritude. We claimed ourselves as Caucasian, not as blacks.

Emperor Menelik and other leaders said “We are Caucasian, Sabian and belong to Solomon dynasty. This is more of a story than history. The church was also added to it. This prevents us not to be progressive. We became so poor. The model became a reason for others to despise us.

Now, we are okay though somewhat disunited at home. We have to keep on building our economic muscle as we did during the last 15 years. We have to aggressively enhance democratic activities. We do not have to buy wholesome what the westerners dictate to us.

One should observe one’s situation. As a leader one can decide the way out. Do not be pushed and pulled by others. We have that kind of history. We should emerge out from that bad scenario. We should not beg any other country for assistance when it comes to political affairs.

The interference of others in such issues could be misconstrued as bargaining with the sovereignty of a nation. We should not be in that situation. We should be strong and united. This way we can be a role-model to others. We are highly relying on what outsiders say. We are committed and civilized people displaying integrity. Today, we give ear to everything the outsiders utter. I knew the truth behind the curtain because I came from abroad. Though they have very little stake, they are playing major role as politicians and activists. We should listen to our people. We should know and read our history.

Herald: Do you think the country is an independent zone in maintaining its national interest?

Teruneh: Obviously, if leaders listen to their own people and make themselves ready to work with the people, they can achieve their national interest. Simply following others countries’ footsteps could not serve a way to achieve the national interest of the country. So, we should focus on our interest. Nowadays, the International situation is a bit complicated. Some years back world power used to belong to western nations. Currently, it is neither in bipolar nor unipolar power status.

After WWII, the United States ‘s GDP was more than 60 percent of that was the whole world. The remaining 40 percent was divided among the rest of the countries. Since1970, the United States GDP tumbled to 40 percent of the world. The reason lies in that others came up to share the wealth distribution.

In this regard, many scholars and extraordinary individuals had reached on a consensus on the claim that the Chinese has taken the lead in the role of economic architectural engineering as compared to United States. The others group disagreed with this idea and responded that the United States is still the number one country in handling economic power. Of course, the United States is the number one in military power.

The Chinese had been covering two percent of the world economy since 1978. Today, not less than 15 percent world economy is handed by China. The Indian is getting foothold in world power sharing. Some scholars predicted that after 3 or 4 years, India will become the fourth world power. Brazilian, Russian is also coming up in the status of world power.

This implied that money can buy anything including, power. Therefore, we should be cautious against forged-allies countries. Concluding that “You are my savior” is not doable in the sphere of diplomacy. There is no such power to do. We should cross-check your allies and your friends in such a way that your national interest can be served.

Herald: Which country do you think has closer partnerships with the country?

Teruneh: I am not quite sure in this regard. It is very complicated. As it stands today, we have economic cooperation which we call it-hard power. All infrastructural projects are built via the credit of the Chinese cooperation and investment. They are irrigating not only Ethiopia but also the entire Africa; that is what they call one road and one belt initiative. Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, they are few of the emerging powers. Via soft power, United States exercise a big power.

Almost all of us are educated there. So we have empathy with them. We acquired knowledge from them. They gave me scholarship outlaying 40,000 Birr. The case behind the curtain is that they have a bent to control the region. They controlled activists and the media including yours most probably. Another soft power is having the Ethiopian diaspora community residing in the outskirt of United States. They have institutions to mobilize the diaspora through indirect power.

Whereas other countries’ diaspora community works for their own countries, the Ethiopian Diasporas work for the country; a country they have lived for and served for. In other words, in Ethiopian case they work mainly for the country where they live. Because, such members of the diaspora community are expelled after losing a family member. They have churches in United States for worshiping God. It is a good thing to serve God. But they are ignorant in participating in United States’ governmental institutions. As such they played almost no role.

Herald: Would you say something on the historical background of Ethiopian diplomacy?

Teruneh: Modern diplomacy began to be witnessed starting from the moment Ethiopia drew attention as a nation of independent entity. Those years, when most Africa countries got independence and also when Suez Canal was opened , were eras of competition among France and Britain .

However, a disorganized one, during emperor Tewodros and emperor Yohannes regimes,there were some sort of diplomatic relationship,.

During the Derg regime, the president appointed the first foreign minister. Nevertheless, although it was haphazard a real diplomacy was started during Emperor Haile Selassie I regime.

Nowadays, , when the European power is beefing up, there is a big engagement in the diplomatic relationships.

There were some countries which attempted to conquer Ethiopia. Then the emperor was trying to resist and repel the colonizers. So, during Haile Selassie I regime Ethiopia joined the League of Nation. Emperor Menelik II started Modern diplomacy and then Haile Selassie I really organized and put it in modern form. After Haile Selassie , it was expanded and modernized. Akililu, Melassie, Yelma were few of the figurative bodies in the diplomacy arsenal.

A diplomacy for the country is very important due to the fact that we have been living in the poorest country. Therefore, frankly speaking, we are engaged in money staff. Besides, reinforcing the military power and playing the necessary role in the sphere of diplomacy are being paramount actions.

That was how we started during the time of Haile Selassie I. After 1941 E.C, the time the emperor came back from exile, there were a lot of issues going on including showcases of Eretria, Somalia, and other issues dealt in the quarter of United Nations. At that moment, the country was aggressively engaged in diplomatic activity being intensive because of opening up the head quarter of African union in the city of Addis Ababa. Our diplomacy played a significant role in doing that. This was where Ethiopian diplomacy matured. That was the time of the Emperor Haile Selassie I.

During the Derg regime, the country pursued a unilateral diplomacy as it walked in the footstep of eastern socialist countries. There was a bellicose action from the Somalia side.

Ethiopia was getting assistance. That is, the Soviet Union men came and fought on the side of Ethiopia. At that moment, in the absence of assistance, obviously, the country’s fate was lapse to quagmire of poverty. Because of having assistance by the parties of socialist countries, we continued to play a role in Organization of Africa Union.

And even we were there on the international arena. We had a considerable power in the region. Though the country faced awkward political situations, our diplomatic activity helped the country a lot to receive support from other countries.

Herald: Some scholars said that Haile Selassie was good at in diplomatic activities. What do you think about this saying?

Teruneh: That is true. Every leader has own skills on how to lead diplomatic relationship. The his diplomacy was based on direct contact with other countries’ leaders.

So, he personally played a considerable role visiting over 100 countries during his reign. Over 60 countries’ leaders came to Ethiopia. Things seemed he was directly involved in diplomatic activity. He had also advantages as old state man and respected man. He was an emperor of an old country. He was the leader of an ancient nation, invaded by fascist Italia. He staunchly fought against with allies of league of nation.

The Italian aggression was very much known by many people around the world. That unfolding was associated with the name of Emperor Haile Selassie. He was the leader before the war and after the war. He fought for independence. He was a very big respected man internationally. Other leaders ignored the country’s role supporting their friend fascist Italy .

Had we listened to the appeal of the emperor and acted earlier before the situation got from bad to worse. They regretted their stance later, when the fascist was defeated. He became very famous and history assisted him. He was there during bad days and he fought until the Ethiopia reversed fascists’ occupation with the assistance of British. So that, this made him very famous. Otherwise, some part of it is really exaggerated. In economic term, the emperor was very weak.

The country was one of the poorest countries in the world. On the wake of the revolution, Mengistu Haile Mariam took the power and then the young people realized that we were the poorest country. Though, we were proud of our independence, comparing ourselves with independent African countries, we are poor.

This was really irritating us. Life was very cheap. You can attain in the ladder of middle class. Especially, the famine during Haile Selassie I became a source of shame for citizens. And the world saw it how poor Ethiopia was. The famine was killing hundreds and thousands every day. Such incident pushed us toward revolution.

The Ethiopian Herald July 7, 2019


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