Authority takes measure on 42 bars for defying smoking ban

ADDIS ABABA – The Ethiopi­an Food and Drug Administration (EFDA) disclosed that it has closed 42 bars that were flouting smoking and serving shisha or hookah.

In a press release the Authority sent to The Ethiopian Herald, mea­sures have been taken on owners and managers of 42 bars as a result of investigative work the Authori­ty carried out with local police and other relevant stakeholders. The Authority vowed that it will take future measures on bars or any en­tities that allow illegal smoking of cigarettes and Shisha by working together with state supervisors and the Police.

As it is known, in what has been dubbed by some as Africa’s stron­gest anti-tobacco law, Ethiopia has passed tobacco control law that re­quires 100 percent smoke-free pub­lic and work places, bans tobacco advertising and promotions, restricts the sale of flavored tobacco products and mandates pictorial warning labels covering 70 percent of the front and back of all tobacco prod­ucts.

The law also bans the sale of heated tobacco products, e-ciga­rettes and Shisha, and prohibits to­bacco sales to anyone under the age of 21.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 3/2019


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