African concerns should never be de-Africanized!

 Seeking African solution whenever member countries come across serious concerns is a well-planned avenue as there should not be any potion than looking into own wisdom. However, few Egyptian politicians and scholars are fond of taking African issues to non-African forums. Not only is Egypt taking the issue of Abbay Dam to the unconcerned body but it is also acting against the leading principle of ‘African solutions to African problems.’

Unequivocally, African problems have to get African solutions without the interference of the third party. Besides, all sorts of disparities need to be amicably solved and remedies have to be devised in a civilized manner. However, taking issues to the unauthorized entity is good for nothing except exacerbating antipathy and suspiciousness among nations.

The reason behind Ethiopia has expressed disappointment over a resolution adopted by the Arab League on the Abbaydam is based on convincing justification.Since there are agreements that foster negotiations among Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia in order to reach balanced, fair and legally-binding agreement on the Grand Abby Dam, going around the bush leads nowhere.

Of course many African nations, which are members of the African Union (AU), did not agree with the resolution knowing that the African matters have to be well dealt with using African solutions and the Union is now in a position to fairly address disagreements. The “stance” demonstrated at the league of course is just crafted by the Egyptian politicians. They try to put words into the league otherwise such unfair, blatant and uninformed statement would not have happened.

Taking African issue to the diametrically different body is of course an act of de-Africanizing African matters, which is a serious issue, doesn’t hold water, too. Yes, Ethiopia has been, will always remain a good neighboring country for all nations of the continent peculiarly to those of the Horn of Africa, and its dam impose no significant harm on downstream states including Egypt itself. This is the very issue that needs to be inculcated in the minds of all; it is not a matter of driving political wheel well, but an issue of equitably utilizing water resources that has to be umpired by the sole concerned body of the African Union.

However, what Egypt has done setting the AU decisive deed aside is absolutely an affront to the African Union and its member countries, which needs to be corrected in no time. True, at the time when the AU has been striving to foster on concerns regarding the Grand Abby Dam and providing the parties with equal chance to present their respective concerns, Egypt’s taking the issue of the dam to the Arab league is nonsense. The league’s resolution has also contradicted the shared history and values of the peoples of Africa and the Arab world itself.

The three countries, Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan, have to comply with 2015 Declaration of Principles (DoP) in relation to the dam and words have to be translated into actions accordingly. Obviously the design and construction of the Dam go side by side. The Abbaydam, whether one likes it or not naturally impounds water. It is a hydro-electric infrastructure and it never block the flow of water, of course it is naïve to think that way. How a river as big as Abbay could be arrested? It is natural for Abbay to flow downstream.

Notably, Egypt,has to stand by Ethiopiain fostering the electric dam filling and implementing operation plans, instead of handing out reservations now and then to the unconcerned bodies as the electric Dam is the property of the whole continent, not exclusively that of Ethiopia, Egypt or Sudan. We’re realizing a continent wide vision of bring about economic development. We have to see into our own wisdom to bridge gaps of misunderstandings.


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