Ethiopia earns nearly 4 mln USD in exporting waste plastic

ADDIS ABABA – Chemical and Construction Input Industry Development Institute said that Ethiopia earned over 3.9 million USD by exporting waste plastic products over the last 11 months.

The Institute’s Marketing and Development Director, Abubeker Hasen told The Ethiopian Herald the achievement was higher compared to the target 2.3 million dollar set for the year.

The currency was generated from the export of 5,283 tonnes of waste plastic products to India, China, Indonesia and Bangladesh, he said. The waste product was collected by urban youth as part of the job creation scheme.

The country can earn over 10 million USD per year from the waste plastic export since the use of plastic water bottles has alarmingly been increasing in the country over the years. “If lack of working areas and power interruption resolved for the business persons engaged in processing and exporting,” he noted.

“The waste plastic management, which requires only small capital, could play a great role in cleaning the environment from the waste plastic which is not easily perished by nature”.

Abubeker stated that three local and seven foreign investors have so far been engaged in exporting the waste plastic products.

According to him, exporting of waste plastic recycle product in Ethiopia started since 2014.  

The Ethiopian Herald June 21/2019


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