Free, fair election via credible Election Board

Peaceful political power transition and holding credible elections is of paramount importance for consolidating democracy and maintaining stability in any country – and Ethiopia is no different. As the political reform the nation is currently on moves forward, several issues have become a concern to most Ethiopians.

The general credibility, and more specifically, the upcoming election to select board members for National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) is one of the concerns. By taking the prior experience of the nation in areas of democratic election into account, there is still a concern lingering in many peoples’ head in regards to the credibility of NEBE and its members’ independence. By taking this into consideration, the government is doing its level best in restructuring the Board. This restructure includes appointing

 new Board members. Recently, the Parliament approved the appointment of members of National Election Board, where four candidates were selected from shortlisted eight candidates. Using this as a ground, The Ethiopian Herald had contacted some concerned individuals to know to what extent the appointment will smooth the ground towards helping the country hold a democratic election.

For Getachew Beze, Senior Legal Expert at Ministry of National Defense Force, the appointment of the new National Election members has its own positive impact towards building democratic nation.

He said: “Seeing the prior experience of the country, the new members will contribute their part for democratization. This is especially true for NEBE Chairperson, Birtukan Mideksa.”

According to him, from her past experiences she is well aware how election can be moved into unexpected direction. Besides, her personal character will also be an added value for holding a democratic election in this country, he argued.

Other appointed members will also have crucial role towards building strong nation. In addition to the NEBE, Getachew continued, other institutions like Human Rights Commission and the courts have to play key role in this. The Board has to work and shoulder to shoulder with these democratic institutions, he added.

OLF central Committee member Kejela Merdessa on his part said, the new appointment has to take into consideration one of the basic element of elicitation. He said that members of the Board have to be neutral. In this regard, their performance and neutrality will be judged in the future; not now.

The role of National Election Board is key towards holding a fair and free election, Kejela opines, but the Board by itself cannot do anything. “Other democratic institutions have to be strong as well.”

Asked how well the effort to smoothen the path towards democratic election is going so far, he said that it will be decided in the future, and needs time and research.

NEBE Communication Adviser, Soliana Shimeles, told The Ethiopian Herald that Board is working aggressively to enhance its credibility. Appointing new Board members that are qualified, experienced and independent is part of this process.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 19/2019


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