Ethiopia, UNDP sign 40 mln. USD agreement to support upcoming elections

ADDIS ABABA – The government of Ethiopia and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) signed project document that helps the former undertake a free, fair and credible election in 2020.

Signing the agreement, Finance Minister Ahmed Shide stated that the government’s commitment to ensure fair playground for all opposition parties is among the groundbreaking political reforms that has been taken place recently. And the new leadership is taking auspicious steps to flourish democracy based on mutual respect and trust.

He said: “The government understands the change in political landscape is not by itself an end, but a means to construct tolerant and democratic nation. So, it is necessary to capitalize on the opportunity the reform has brought in order to transform the country to the next level of democratization, which is tested by credible and fair election.”

In line with this, Ahmed stressed that the forefront actions that are needed to undertake successful national election is strengthening system of electoral operating process and creating capacity within the institution to introduce new and modern ways of handling elections.

In this regard, supporting the national electoral board in undertaking the coming electoral process is vitally important, he noted. By mentioning that the coming election will leave its footmark as a valuable experience for the next operation of election, Ahmed Shide assured that the government is committed to demonstrate the desired result with the support of development partners and UNDP.

The total required fund for the project is 40 million USD, out of which 34.6 million USD is a pledge to be funded by various development partners (11 countries), while 2 million USD is secured by UNDP itself, and 3.3 million USD is to be mobilized during the project period.

At the signing ceremony, Biritukan Mideksa, Chairperson of the Ethiopian Electoral Board mentioned that the agreement will basically support the electoral project. She said: “Ever since the new appointment of the Board, UNDP has been close partner in providing supportive programs.”

Assisting the electoral management body to become more capable, transparent and trusted institution; and providing the required assistance for undertaking inclusive, transparent and credible election is amongst the main objectives of the project.

The intervention areas of the project include institutional strengthening for ensuring transparency, efficiency and inclusiveness of the electoral operations, facilitating public outreach as well as stakeholder and media engagements. It also includes capacitating the institution to identify, manage and respond to electoral violence.

The agreement was signed by Finance Minister Ahmed Shide and Turhan Saleh, Resident Representative of UNDP in Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 19/2019


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