Festival opens platform to spur unity in diversity

WOLAITA SODO – The annual cultural festival has opened the platform for strengthening cultural exchange and promoting unity in diversity among nations, nationalities and peoples, the Wolaita Zone Culture, Tourism and Sport Department disclosed.

Tsegaw Sime , head of the department , recently told The Ethiopian Herald that three-day long and 4th cultural festival was concluded achieving its set goal of spurring centuries old co-existence and tolerance among various ethnic groups in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples State (SNNPs).

The 56 nations, nationalities and peoples residing in (SNNPs) state have participated in the festival and displayed their own culture and values. Exhibitions and panel discussions were also conducted on the sidelines of the festival, he said, adding that “All ethnic groups showcased their identical cultural values and tourist attractions in an attractive manner by doing so the attendees have enabled to familiarize themselves with the values and the culture of our peoples.”

As to the head, the festival has managed successfully to realize the target of strengthening people to people ties, prompting cultural exchanges and encouraging social interactions among the people. Mainly it serves as a means to learn one another’s culture and conflict resolution methods thereby leaving its fingerprints in this regard.

Such festival needs to be organized in other part of the country as it strengthens cultural interaction and relations among the people, he urged.

For his part, Wolaita Sodo Culture, Tourism and Sport Office Head Abebayehu Komo said that the objective of the festival is to harness social values of togetherness and tolerance among the people as these days, conflicts are sparking here and there for no good reasons.

“The festival has vividly witnessed that Wolaita people’s hospitality and friendship as many other nations dwell harmoniously in the town in addition to the Wolaitas. Though there were large numbers of participants in the festival, for sure everyone felt at home during his/her stay.”

He further said the festival is going to have great impact at zonal and state level since the number of the festival participants are steadily increasing from time to time.

All nations, nationalities and peoples participated in the festival presented their cultural music and dancing, dressing style, favorite dishes and other heritages and through these; they manifested their belief in being an Ethiopian.

The festival brought together many senior officials university students, foreigners, among others. The festival was arranged by Culture, Tourism and Sport Bureau of SNNP state in collaboration with FDRE Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sport; Wolaita Zone and Wolaita Sodo University. The festival was held at Wolaita Sodo town from 1-3 June, 2019 themed: “Our Culture for Peace and Togetherness.”, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 18/2019


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