TVET exhibition, competition underway

ADDIS ABABA- The first National Skills, Technology and Action Research Competition and Exhibition launched yesterday on the premises of Federal Technical and Vocational Training Institute.

At the launching of the event that lasts for five days [June13-18/2019], Federal Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) State Minster Dr. Abduwas Abdulahi said such events would help to promote innovation in the sub-sector that has been playing decisive role in the development of the country.

Noting that the government has been encouraging TVET, he added that trainees have developed their skills and knowledge.

Drawn from across the nation, selected centers and individuals that brought about new technology, particularly those involved in adapting farming technology are exhibiting their works.

A committee comprised members from federal and state TVET institutions will be evaluating the works and winners will get rewards, it was learnt. Among others things, winners will get opportunity to promote their technology at a global scale.

Getachew Mohammed from Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples State represents a private enterprise. The machine he created is said to drill up to 60m to extract water. He said his work could help mitigate water scarcity in drought-prone areas, in addition to substituting imports. “We stand first in the competition held in SNNP region and have hopes to win the competition here as well.”

Meknonnen Shiberu a TVET trainer in Gujji zone of Oromia State created a multi-functional serial machine that trashes various crops. This would play in reducing post-harvest loss while saving labor. Regarding its efficiency, he said it could trash crop that needed the involvement of six people for at least 12 hours only one hour.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 14/2019


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