Military research center obtains book on Imperial Ethiopian Army

ADDIS ABABA – An Italian Academician Prof. Col. Enrico Piero Bossi (MD) offered his book titled ‘The history of imperial Ethiopian army’ to Ethiopian Military Research Center yesterday.

The event was held in the presence of Ethiopian and Italian senior military officials. Head of Ethiopian Military Research Center, Brigd. Gen. Teshome Gemechu, received the book from the author.

Following the handing over event, Brigd. Gen. Teshome Gemechu told The Ethiopian Herald the Defense Force has been building its capacity focusing on four pillars ‘Military Theory’ being among these. “Hence, the book would contribute immensely in this regard.”

He stated that “we, Ethiopians, consider this book as an invaluable asset.” The professor for his part said the objective is to pass down the history of the Army over generations. Prof. Enrico authored over 33 books; three of them revolve around the history of Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 14/2019


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