Ethiopia striving to prevent Ebola virus disease

ADDIS ABABA– Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) has announced that it has taken necessary measures to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus following the WHO’s signal about its outbreak. Ethiopia is working devising mechanisms like screening passengers using thermos screener at Ethiopian Airlines and bordering areas.

Dr. Beyene Moges, Deputy Director at EPHI told The Ethiopian Herald following the recent report of WHO’s confirmation of the case of Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia has strengthened its prevention mechanism as the geographic proximity would made the country among the first fatalities.

And he added that as Ethiopian Airlines has five flights to the Democratic Republic of Congo, there are possibilities to transmit the disease to the country, that’s why we are working in the inspection of the airport and other important border areas.

Dr. Beyene said that though there is no person confirmed of Ebola yet in Ethiopia, but we are not seated idle, we are on the alert and have prepared special screening center for passengers.

He also called on the community inform the general public health and other relevant authorities if they come across the prominent symptoms of the disease like bleeding.

According to the World Health Organization report as of 2 June 2019, a total of 2008 EVD cases, including 1914 confirmed and 94 probable cases, were reported. A total of 1346 deaths were reported (overall case fatality ratio 67 percent), including 1252 deaths among confirmed cases. Of the 2008 confirmed and probable cases with known age and sex, 58 percent (1159) were female, and 29 percent (585) were children aged less than 18 years. Cases continue to rise among health workers, with the cumulative number infected rising to 110 (6 percent of total cases).

The Ethiopian Herald, June 13/2019


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