Both Houses postpone Population and Housing Census

ADDIS ABABA – Both the House of Peoples’ Representative and House of Federation passed a joint decision to postpone National Population and Housing Census for one more year, according to Fana Broadcasting Corporation (FBC).

The Census is postponed by the joint parliament due to the recurrent natural disasters and security challenges that affected parts of the country. Reports stated that there were no divergences from members of both Houses on the issue of extending the Census, with the difference only being on how long to extend it. Accordingly, they debated on whether it should be extended indefinitely for more than a year, or only for six months.

Those who supported the six months time-frame argued that the security situation in the country is improving, and six months of extension is enough. The counter-argument was that although security situation is improving in the country, there are no conducive conditions to carry out the Census.

Majority of the members of the two houses supported extension for more than one year. Thirty members voted against it and three members voted abstain.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 12/2019


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