Ministry calls for standard review of research ethics

ADDIS ABABA – Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE) called for national standard and review system of research ethics yesterday.

The call made during a two-day long National Consultative Workshop themed: “Academic Publishing, Research Ethics and Journal accreditation in Ethiopia.”

On the occasion, the Ministry Academic and Infrastructure Directorate General Director Dr. Zerihun Kebede said that national standard of review on research ethics have not developed yet except on health science.

“Research ethics on health science has been given special focus and attention in our country as it is directly related to human life. However, research conducted on any sector whether it is health, agriculture, environment or any other needs its own ethics. Presenting someone else’s research work as own paper is also unethical. This program is organized to formulate national research ethics program. Ministry of Science and Higher Education is responsible to lead this program in addition to other duties like conducting research works in Technical, Vocational, Education and Training (TVET) and higher institutions.”

Moreover, he said journal accreditation, research article publication vs. academic promotion need serious attention. “Academic rank offered by one institution is not recognized by another institution. This is among the questions to be addressed.”

For his part, MoSHE Director for Research Affairs Dr. Solomon Benor made remarks about the Ministry’s objectives in conducting the workshop and expected results. He explained about the gradual reforms of the Ministry so that it has gone through different structures from TVET institution to its current level.

As to him, the Ministry coordinates linkage between industries and research works conducted by higher institutions and technology transfer as there has been poor linkage among the institutions.

Regarding highlights on the proposed national system of journal accreditation, he said current issues are academic publishing and the need for awareness creation at Higher Education Institutions.

Axum University Academic and Research Vice President Dr. Kiros Guesh said in the history of research, Ethiopia has registered total of 26,000 scientific articles and Ethiopia’s share in Africa is 4 percent. This indicates more research works are needed to the country of more than 100 million populations. Participants from different higher institution attended the workshop which was organized by Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 11/2019


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