Efforts getting underway to inscribe Ajora on UNESCO

 WOLAITA SODO – Various efforts are getting underway to inscribe twin Ajora Falls on UNESCO World Natural Heritage, Boloso Bombe Woreda announced.

“As the twin Falls are the most marvelous and historical tourist attractions of the country, our bureau Boloso has started the campaign for considering this world natural heritage as UNESCO nomination,” Bombe Woreda Culture, Tourism and Sport Bureau Head Zemenay Dela said.

Speaking to the crew of journalists who paid a field visit to the twin Falls recently, he said Ajora has breathtaking views and surroundings as the combination of two rivers Soke and Ajacho that cascade from 170m and 210m respectively create these amazing twin Falls.

As to the head,the former Ethiopian leaders like Emperor Hailesilassie, President Mengistu Hailemariam, Prime Minster Halemariam Dessalegn and President Girma Woldegiorgis paid homage to the Falls at different times in the past.

 For his part Ashenafi Kebede, Dean of School of Informatics at Wolaita Sodo University and active participant in various social services, said Wolaita Zone is so rich in natural and manmade attractions.

“The twin Ajora Falls is one of these attractions. The Falls make unite while falling down and create another big fall called Buke.” “Downward, there is green field that adds beauty for the scene. As the

 falls are natural especially Soke fall seems powder pouring down during dry season because of its snow – colored appearance. Anyone who gets chance to see upwards from the bottom, it creates unique vision along with the birds flying above the falls,” he added.

Ashenafi further said the infrastructure to access the site needs improvement. Regardless of difficult landscape, the falls deserve to be registered by UNESCO. If so, they could be tourist attractions and become means of income for the region and the nation.

Currently tourists prefer to visit manmade attractions such as Lalibela, Axum and Gondar but if natural attractions like Ajora are properly communicated; more tourists choose to visit them too, he said.

Wolaita Sodo University along with the zone’s culture and tourism bureau is making digital imaging to introduce the Falls as to Ashenafi and if government’s effort puts in, their dream will become true in the near future. The twin Ajora Falls locate in Boloso Bombe Woreda, Wolaita Zone.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 11/2019


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