Israel reaffirms support to Gondar hospital

ADDIS ABABA – The government of Israel reaffirmed its commitment to remain assisting the University of Gondar Specialized Hospital through human and material support.

 The government has been extending supports to the hospital in terms of transforming knowledge and providing equipment. Israel has recently donated x-ray machines and dental medical apparatus, University of Gondar Public and International Relations Director Yidagnu Mandefro told The Ethiopian Herald.

This year the hospital also obtained medical gas material support following the visit of Israeli Deputy Ambassador to Ethiopia Or Daniely last week, she said.

At the time, the deputy ambassador noted that the Israel support would continue in supporting Ethiopia’s higher educational institutions in the effort to realize knowledge and technological transformation. As to him, the support is also to encourage the Ethiopian government plan to reduce infant and maternal death.

According to Yidagnu, the visit of the deputy ambassador indicated that there is a strong initiation to consolidate the cooperation. Currently, an Israeli medical crew is rendering fee free service in obstetrics and gynecology medications in Gondar hospital, it was learnt.

According to her, the physicians are supporting the hospital in the sphere where the institution is facing shortage of doctors due to high numbers of patients. In addition, the medical crew is also sharing experiences to Ethiopian physicians especially to the newly graduates, she stated.

The hospital serves about seven million patients each year Yidagnu said, adding that there is a massive crowd in the hospital due to shortage of health institutions in the area.

To curb the problem, the regional government has built primary health centers at woreda level. The university is yet assisting the hospitals through payment free human and material support [estimated in millions of Birr], she noted.

As to her, peoples from rural areas suffer a lot to get health service due to shortage of quality healthcare institutions. “Therefore, they are obliged to travel a long journey struggling with the pain to get better service.”

Hence, the construction of the primary hospitals and the support of the university would play significant role at least to alleviate pain until the needed medication conducted, Yidagnu told.

However, the problem is yet deteriorating especially in gynecology wards due to lack of patient bedrooms and senior physicians, as to her. Therefore, the support of such international aid would play a critical role to save the lives of many Ethiopians, she underlined.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 11/2019


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