Djibouti ready to assist ‘Beautifying Sheger’ Project

 Ethiopia, Djibouti torchbearers of regional integration: Amb. Farah

 ADDIS ABABA – Djiboutian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Mohamed Idriss Farah said that his government is ready to play a part in Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s initiative ‘Beautifying Sheger’ Project taking into account Addis Ababa is the home of all Africans.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, the Ambassador said that Djiboutian, as the rest of Africans, consider Addis Ababa as their home and want to contribute share in efforts to make the city a favorable place to live.

 “Addis Ababa is the home of all Africans and Djibouti salutes Primer Abiy’s plan to make the metropolis cleaner and greener,” he said, adding that his country wants to take part in the initiative that aimed to change the face of Addis to fit its status of being the seat of AU and other continental and regional institutions.

Expressing a pledge to encourage the involvement of Djiboutian private sector in the Project, Ambassador Farah called on fellow African brothers and sisters to support the prime minister’s vision of transforming Africa’s diplomatic center to one of the cleanest cities in the continent.

 Regarding the two countries economic relations, he stated that Ethiopia and Djibouti have been remained the torchbearers in AU’s vision of economic integration through connecting with all available means: via roads, railways, electricity, telecom and water, among others. The Ethio- Djibouti Railway projects is the iconic manifestation for the consolidated cooperation.

“Whilst the whole continent remains poor in infrastructural development and connectivity in terms of road, railway and electricity, Ethiopia and Djibouti are working to be sources of inspiration for economic integration in the East African sub-continent.”

Noting more efforts are underway to enhance the existing infrastructural- driven economic integration, the Ambassador said that Ethiopia and Djibouti are also appealing to other East African countries to join them in efforts to bring about exemplary economic union.

The two countries have a very good trade relations in that Ethiopia primarily uses Djibouti’s ports whilst a significant number of Djiboutian are benefiting from Ethiopia’s export of electricity, water, fruits and vegetables, among many others. “Capitalizing on synergistic economic potential, Ethiopia and Djibouti should maximize their partnership in seeking new areas of cooperation and cementing the existing ones,” he stressed.

About political relations, Ambassador Farah indicated that Ethiopia and Djibouti share similar stance in international affairs and they are closely working to ensure peace and stability in the Horn of Africa by deploying troops under the umbrella of AMISOM (African Union Mission to Somalia).

The two countries participation in AMISOM has been registering huge success in curtailing the threat Al-Shabab has posed in the region’s peace and stability and the troops significantly weakening the terrorist group’s destructive activities and forced it to displaced from strongholds in Somalia.

“Djibouti applauds Premier Abiy’s meticulous approach in the rapprochement with Eritrea and its positive impact in East Africa,” he said, adding that equal attention should also be given to inclusive peace process to end hostilities and bring about a lasting stability in the region.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 11/2019


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