EOC urges public to plant seedlings

ADDIS ABABA – Archbishops of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church have called for better involvement of all concerned bodies in afforestation activities to ease the impact of climate change.

More than 30 Archbishops of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church have participated in seedling transplantation yesterday at Debre Hail Saint Raguel and Elias Church in collaboration with Development and Inter-Church Aid Commission (EOC-DICAC) of the EOTC.

The synod members have decided to plant seedlings in all churches and monasteries’ as usual. Accordingly, the archbishops together with religious fathers, Sunday school students and communities planted about 150 seedlings inside and around the compound of the church.

Abune Samuel, Archbishop of EOC-DICAC told The Ethiopian Herald that this program aims to protect the environment as it is the law and system of the church. And such programs will continue for each churches and other deforested places by planting more than one million seedlings by the coming month.

Abune Samuel also suggested that planting trees must be the concern of each individual. Therefore, in order to cope up with the impacts of climate change and create a better environment the churches communities, the government and all stakes should take part on such activity.

Similarly, approached by journalists Abune Yared, Archbishop of Arsi Dioceses said that we all are here to plant seedlings in this historic church. Yet, planting must not be the final stage for all of us. We must follow up the growth of each seedling for a better result his holiness noted. And Ethiopian Orthodox Church is working on such exemplary activities in conserving and protecting the environment.

Abune Yared also revealed that conserving and protecting plants is the duty of the church from the ancient time to the present and the future. Therefore, the church communities and all Ethiopian should continue their contribution in conserving the environment.

The Ethiopian Herald June 7,2019


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