Ethiopia’s reform agenda contributing towards gender equity: President

ADDIS ABABA – President Sahle- Work Zewde spoke about the result of the reform agenda being unfolded in Ethiopia during panel of world leaders at the Women Deliver 2019 Conference kicked off in Vancouver, Canada, FBC reported.

“My coming here (as the first female Ethiopian President), is good not only for Ethiopia but for Africa and for the whole world,” said Sahlework Zewde. The Province quoted the President as saying “My being here is a direct result of the reform agenda being unfolded in Ethiopia.”

But 40 percent of Ethiopian girls are married before 18, she told the conference.

“This is something terrible. I had a chance to go to school and get an education and put an end to this (child marriage).”

“If social norms are going to change it has to be at the grassroots. I have to say that because sometimes our commitments remain in conference rooms.”

The Ethiopian Herald June 5/2019


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