Digital identification for universal access

Since the last couples of years the government is expediting efforts to register citizens through the digital identification program called Fayda, which is witnessing smooth progress in various corners of the country.

The effective accomplishment of the digital identification registration activities needs due support from stakeholders and active participation of the public as it can foster social, economic and political advancement of the country.

Ethiopia is working persistently to accelerate its move towards digital technology and harness the full potential of digital transformation in all areas.

The country, by devising the “Digital Ethiopia 2025” strategy which aims at harnessing the opportunities that digitalization offers, and pushing Ethiopia towards an innovative, knowledge-based economy, is aspiring to utilize the full potential of digital technology.

The “Fayda National Digital Identity,” which is an integral part of Ethiopia’s Digital Strategy was initiated to record the identity of every Ethiopian resident digitally and to use more accurate ID information across various government systems.

Digital ID, beyond its primary service of verifying one’s identity, promotes inclusivity in today’s digital era and is instrumental in accessing essential public and private sector services. According to information from the National ID Program, thus far, over 10 million Ethiopians have got registered to obtain a national Digital ID.

Obviously, issuing digital IDs for citizens goes beyond the simple notion of validating one’s identity. Further, it holds legal ground- promotes social inclusion, guarantees basic human rights, enhances protection, and empowers citizens to enjoy and exercise their rights in their respective countries’ social and economic undertakings.

With this intention, the global community commemorates International ID Day every year, on September 16, to emphasize the basic importance of having a verified identity, and raise awareness about the importance of legal identity as a fundamental human right and a key enabler of inclusive social and economic development.

This year’s International ID Day was also celebrated on September 16, 2024, under the theme “Celebrating the Right to Be Visible.” Ethiopia also marked the Day with various events focusing on building an inclusive identity system for all.

In a press statement released in connection with the Day, the National ID Program stated that having an identity is not just a human right, it is essential to access services, protect rights, and fully participate in the social and economic arenas. “Everyone deserves an identity. Everyone deserves the right to be visible,” the statement added.

Mentioning that the initiative aims to raise awareness about the significance of an inclusive digital identity system in fostering effective governance, enhancing security, promoting social inclusion, and improving access to essential services, the statement reaffirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to demonstrating the role of digital identity in empowering citizens, enhancing access to basic services, and contributing to economic growth.

As part of this commitment, the National ID Program set a target to host a series of events from September 13th to 20th, including Fayda mass registration in key locations throughout the country to encourage residents to register for Digital ID.

Indeed. Ethiopia, as one of the fastest-growing economies, should accelerate its move to digital transformation. In this respect, integrating digital IDs could yield immense benefits and expedite the pace of the ‘Digital Ethiopia 2025’ strategy by unlocking the full potential of digital technologies.

Development partners and stakeholders can pool their resources in Ethiopia’s relentless efforts of digitally identifying its citizens as part of the efforts to reach out to every single citizen economic and social needs.


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