100 days plan focuses on core activities, boosting efficiency: Commission

ADDIS ABABA – The content-based evaluation of 100 days plan is boosting work efficiency and performance of government sectors, National Planning and Development Commission said.

As it focuses on quality and clear plan preparation, give priority for key countable core activities with series evaluation by formal regulative organ, 100 days plan is increasing the performance and work efficiency of government sectors, Commission’s Public Relation Corporate Communication Director, Zelalem Berhanie told The Ethiopian Herald.

Ministers and higher officials of every sector gives due attention for the proper plan preparation and implementation of core activities of their sector ever since the way of evaluation is series, performance based and held at council of ministers with formal regulative body.

Meanwhile the focus of 100 days plan originated from the power and duty of the organization and it gives due focus for short-term result-based activities, Zelalem said.

According to Zelalem this new planning method of government sectors is more effective in plan preparation, convenient for work implementation and evaluation comparing than previous systems of planning and reporting.

Zelalem stated that government sectors have implemented three rounds of 100 days plan and it will continue since it is scoring good results on work efficiency and suitable for accountability, transparency and content based evaluation of sectors.

“100 days plan is performance-based, short overdue focused on core activities of sectors. It removed Processes like training, workshop and meetings and is focused on measurable output based activities”, Zelalem said.

Not only in work efficiency and performance, 100 days plan introduces preparing quality plan for sectors, he noted. According to the director the 100 days plan differs from the previous planning methods as it gives due attention for short-term works to finalize in every 100 days, evaluated every 100 days by the executive body, focus on key core activities of the sector.

During the evaluation of sectors 100 days’ performances, sectors are given green, yellow and red labels based on their performance. “So far the evaluation focuses on content of reports and action based evaluation of practical works on the ground would be held at year end to ensure accountability”, the director noted.

100 days planning on government sectors was launched this year as part of the overall reform mainly to accelerate work efficiency and performance of government sectors and offices.

The Ethiopian Herald June 1/2019


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