Youth from various religions clean Mosques in Addis

ADDIS ABABA – Addis Ababa city Administration Youth and Voluntary Mobilization Bureau disclosed that, over 1,000 volunteer youth have participated in cleaning holy places in Addis Ababa.

According to the information received from the bureau in connection with the upcoming Eid Al Fetir holiday Addis Ababa youths participated in cleaning mosques in Addis Ababa yesterday.

Over 1,000 youths with different religions have participated in the cleaning campaign. The gathering of the youth with different religious backgrounds further strengthens the relationship and tolerance among the society. In addition this shows that peaceful coexistence and strong unity among the Ethiopian society.

Tayiba Lona one among the participants said that “we are doing this kind of activity to show how we respect and love each other and to express brotherhood and sisterhood among us.” She added that, this kind of activity is important to set example for the coming generation.

Ethiopian Muslims welcomed the

 Muslim holy month of Ramadan three weeks ago and only few days left for celebration, which will be celebrated at the beginning of coming week. Ramadan is a holy month in Islam and Muslims believe that, Ramadan entertains tolerance, unity, love and understanding among Muslims in particular and country of the people in general.

The youths were carrying out different activities during holidays and at different public ceremonies. Yesterday the youths cleaned Anwar, Banie, Sumaya and Amahamadi Badane Mosques.

On the eve of the holiday, the youth have a plan to clean Addis Ababa Stadium, where EidSalat is scheduled to take place, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald June 1/2019


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