Will IDP’s situation see lasting improvement anytime soon?

In the wake of the ongoing reform, Ethiopia registered over one million Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs) that grew sharply and put the country top in the number of IDPs, hitting nearly three million.

Inter-communal clashes are blamed for the situation but recent report of the Ministry of Peace unveiled some government officials reduced commitments in drying conflicts at their roots.

Now, the government has revealed as the great majority of the IDPs are returning to their homes while others are being relocated to places that are said to be safer, more aids are still needed to sustainably rehabilitate them.

In her nine-month report, Minister of Peace, Muferiat Kamil, told parliament last April that series of works have been undertaken which included participating nearly 350,221 people that resulted in the return of over 1.2 million people from Oromia, Benishangul Gumuz, Amhara and Somalia states.

This is an in addition to over a million people returned to their homes ahead of the tasks, making the total nearly two million, according to the report.

She also told parliament as both the federal and state governments have allocated resources to sustainably rehabilitate them, mentioning that over 1,745, 800 quintals of food crops were distributed to IDPs during the reporting period-60.35 percent and 39.64 percent from government and aid organizations respectively. Compared to the number of IDPs, food and non-food commodities distribution has been far from being enough, as she reported.

National Disaster Risk Management Commission Communication Director Debebe Zewdie says food items worth 346 million USD already purchased and is being distributed to families on a monthly basis. Some 15,000 people who returned to their homes in Gedeo zone of Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples , and 4,000 peoples in Keffa are benefiting from this scheme.

And 15kg flour and 0.4 litter oil have been provided per individual monthly, according to him. To him, 10,000 plastic sheets and 30,000 steel sheets have been distributed to the people in Keffa and Gedeo respectively. FAO, Ethiopian Government, and other NGOs are the main supporter and fund raising bodies for IDPs, he adds.

Debebe also says 55, 000 IDPs joined their original places in Gujji zone of Oromia state while close to 200,000 people returned to their places in Somalia state, he adds. The returned people will be receiving food aids for the next six-eight months until they are able to grow own crops or manage to lead own lives, according to him.

On the other hand, the Amhara state Disaster Risk Protection and Food Security Special Support Area Communication Director Eyasu Mesfin says from a total of 107,000 people displaced from their homes, over 40,000 of them returned to their homes in west Gondar and central Gondar zones.

Depending on the family size, individuals have obtained 40-50 steel sheets to enable them build houses. In addition, to make the process safer, traditional conciliation process has been taken place, he adds.

To him, around 1.5 billion Birr is needed to sustainably rehabilitate the people, and 700 million Birr has been pledged at a recent fund-raising scheme. “Over 351 million Birr have so far been deposited in a bank account opened for this purpose.”

For his part, Oromia State Communication Bureau Head, Admasu Damtew, notes that IDPs are returning their homes in east and west Wolega zones as well as Horo Guduru Wollega and Guji zones of the state.

To him, from a total of over 600,000 IDPs, most are joining their localities. He adds that from those displaced from Guji zone of the state-97,000- 61, 900 have returned to their homes. Hence, all the 51 camps in all zones of Wollega are closed. The rest would return soon, he says.

Elders, Ababa- Gadas, played important roles in reintegrating IDPs with the community, he underlines. Asked whether or not the returning process followed proper consultations, both indicate that the rumor floating here and there is baseless and no forcible return has so far been made.

Recently, Ethiopian government indicated that close to 700 million USD is needed to return the remaining people. According to the report of the Ministry of Peace, 468 individuals suspected in connection with the incitement of inter communal clashes are detained, while government is working hard to bring 420 suspected individuals to justice.

The Ethiopian Herald, May 31/2019


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