Public holidays raise Ethiopia’s global image

ADDIS ABABA– Public holidays cel­ebrated in September are contributing to promoting Ethiopia’s image to the world, according to Ayalew Sisay, a Senior Tour­ism Expert.

Approached by the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA), Sisay noted that holidays like Meskel, Irreechaa, and various eth­nic New Year celebrations showcase the country’s rich cultural diversity. These gatherings serve to strengthen bonds among Ethiopians and promote their unique traditions.

Since Meskel was inscribed on UNE­SCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List, it has attracted numerous tourists annu­ally. The expert emphasized the need to further promote other public holidays to achieve global recognition, which can contribute to job creation, foreign ex­change earnings, and the promotion of natural and man-made heritages.

He urged tourist service delivery institu­tions to prepare themselves to offer high-quality services to both local and interna­tional visitors. Additionally, collaborating with concerned bodies is essential to cel­ebrate these holidays in a manner that glo­rifies their religious and traditional values.

To strengthen the tourism sector and increase its economic benefits, Sisay stressed the importance of individual re­sponsibility. By promoting these holidays and ensuring a positive experience for visitors, everyone can contribute to Ethio­pia’s global image and economic growth.

Ethiopia, a country known for its diverse landscapes, ancient history, and unique culture, has been increasingly focusing on promoting tourism as a key economic sector. The country boasts numerous UN­ESCO World Heritage Sites, including Lalibela’s rock-cut churches, Axum’s an­cient city, and the Omo Valley’s diverse ethnic groups.



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