Preparation finalized to celebrate Fiche- Chembelella

ADDIS ABABA- Sidama Zone and Hawassa Town Administrations announced yesterday that they have finalized preparations to celebrate ‘Fiche-Chembelella.’

Jegu Agegnewu, Sidama Zone Culture, Tourism and Sport Department Head told The Ethiopian Herald that Fiche-Chembelella (New Year Celebration of Sidama people has no permanent day of celebration as it is announced by elders after going through a traditional astronomical process observing the moon and Bussa (the five stars’) position.

Accordingly, this year’s celebration will mark beginning May 30, 2019, he said adding that the festivity will continue to be celebrated for two weeks at lower administrative levels after two days of celebration in Hawassa town.

 As to him, leaders at each level have given due concern for the peaceful occurrence of the event through raising awareness of the residents.

He also added that Fiche- Chembelella celebration will have paramount importance to promote brotherhood among the Sidama and other nation and nationalities.

Melakamu Tefera, Town Public Relations Head on his part said that Fiche- Chembelella celebration has pivotal role to stand for peace and share vital human values like tolerance, forgiveness and togetherness. Ambassadors, tourists drawn from various countries and millions of people are expected to attend the celebration.

The government has organized eight committees to mark peacefully, he added.

The Ethiopian Herald, May 30/2019


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