Ensuring urban good governance augments investment: Ministry

ADDIS ABABA – Ministry of Urban Construction and Development said that ensuring urban good governance is vital to boost investment flows.

The Ministry is doing its best to balance the growth of Ethiopian cities by providing the necessary facilities which is useful for the development and growth of the cities.

Ethiopia Bedecha, Advisor of the Minister at the Ministry told The Ethiopian Herald that the Ministry is carrying out various activities through the support of World Bank, the government and states’ authorities promote the investment potentials of cities across the country to boost investment.

As to the Advisor, the facilities provided by the Ministry include infrastructural facilities such as electricity (power), water, roads among others that are essential to attract foreign direct investment.

Though Ethiopian cities were achieving remarkable growth, they are not developed at the desired level. “Security issues and lack of good governance were amongst the challenges that hinder the development of the cities in the past years.”

Several issues have been devised to make Ethiopian cities more competitive in attracting investment and to make them comfortable and preferable living areas both for domestic and foreign nationals. In line with this, different activities have already started, he added.

Furthermore, with the support of the Ministry and the government, tasks are underway to make them hub of investment. Mentioning that the urban infrastructural upgrading project, which is supported by the World Bank, has a huge role, the Advisor said that the project was first started on few cities while currently it has commenced in around 117 cities across the country.

According to him, the Ministry in concert with regional states is working to ensure urban good governance for the development of the cities and the country. However, beyond ensuring urban good governance, fulfilling the necessary facilities for the investors will boost investment flows, Ethiopia stressed.

The Ethiopian Herald, May 29/2019


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