Championing national reforestation program

In accordance with some available information, the rate of net global deforestation has slowed down by more than 50 percent over the past 25 years. This is great news for the world as it will definitely play a pivotal role in reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

As a matter of fact, the whole world has been exerting intensified efforts and taking various necessary measures to reduce carbon emissions from forest as well as rates of deforestation.

By the same token, last Sunday Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed launched the National Green Development Program which aims to plant four billion trees during the rainy season.

The Premier also outlined the roles and responsibilities of national agri transformation leaders in modernizing the agriculture sector and making the new tree- planting initiative successful.

It is true that Ethiopia has been getting involved in a nationwide afforestation campaign over the past two decades, as a result, some of the barren lands and deforested areas have turned into forest areas.

Apart from protecting the natural forest areas in Ethiopia, reforested areas have been dramatically increasing from time to time. However, so much more remains to be done on sustainable forest use and enhancing forest management knowledge as well as skills throughout the country.

Apparently, forest management needs the active participation of local communities in planning and developing policies as well as in monitoring and measuring of forest resources.

Whenever rainy season comes, we often hear a number of news items about transplanting of seedlings of various indigenous and exotic plants in different parts of the country by private and state organizations as well as associations and local activists.

In fact, it is encouraging to see a large number of fellow countrymen planting trees aimed at combating climate change that has become serious threat to today’s world.

But, such a campaign seems to be a short lived one as the awareness deepening campaigns related to forest protection are conducted during summer times and international forest day.

Truly, the new reforestation initiative will bring about some improvements on Ethiopia’s forest coverage that has decreased in recent years as the initiative is set to mobilize national reforestation at 40 trees per head.

Nevertheless, more than ever, all Ethiopians need to toil to reduce the impact of climate change and sustainably promote use of forest resources in this country. Presently, some of the impacts of climate change have been vividly witnessed in the forms of extreme hot weather, torrential rain fall, flash floods among others in some parts of the world than ever before.

Due to the aforementioned catastrophes , a number of countries including Ethiopia have been exposed to a huge financial and property damages . In some cases, they are forced to have a mass causalities as well.

Therefore, more sustainable management of forests means that addressing the impacts of climate change in a scientific and effective manner. Thus, the focal point of the government, pertinent bodies and the general public should be on ‘how to do better’ on sustainable forest use and how to carry out successful mass tree- planting.

Championing national reforestation program is a crux of matter in reducing the impact of climate change and promoting sustainable development. Every fellow citizen expects to do better in planting seedlings and preserving forests through the newly launched National Green Development Program.

The Ethiopian Herald May 28 2019

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