Ambassadors laud Ethiopia’s firm stance for Africa’s case

ADDIS ABABA – African Ambassadors residing in Nairobi, Kenya expressed admiration to Ethiopia’s successive governments unwavering commitment for the fulfillment of the continent’s interests besides their noble contribution for the independence of Africa.

The ambassadors remark came in the ‘African Day’ celebration hosted by Ethiopian Embassy in Kenya.Noting Ethiopia’s leading role for the inception of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)and its successor African Union (AU), the ambassadors praised the country’s active engagement for the realization of AU’s agendas.

In his welcoming remark, Ethiopia’s Ambassador to Kenya Meles Alem said that Ethiopia’s Foreign Policy is Africa-centered. He called on fellow African brothers and sisters to come and see Addis Ababa, the political capital of Africa.

Kenya’s Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Monica Juma conveyed message through an official from the Ministry.

In the event, Ethiopia and other African countries displayed their products and staged various performances and cultural exhibitions that promoted the ongoing progress of each nation.

It is recalled OAU was established on 25 May 1963 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with 32 signatory governments.

The Ethiopian Herald May 28 2019


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