ftar night showcases Ethiopian Muslim Unity: EMAC Chairperson

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Muslim Unity and Gratitude Iftar night held last week is a historic moment showcasing the world that the Muslim community enables to solve differences and form a new leadership in a new spirt, a renowned Muslim scholar and Chairperson of the Ethiopian Muslims Arbitration Committee (EMAC), Ustaz Abubakar Ahmed said.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Ustaz Abubakar stated that the Iftar (Ramadan dinner) is also the manifestation of the current government’s keen interest to ensure the Muslim unity and assert their equal ownership of national affairs as well as encourage the faithful to make active participation in peace and development efforts.

The scholar indicated that the event marked the conclusion of mistreatment and deprivation of political and economic rights the Muslim community faced during the previous regimes and asserted the fact that Ethiopia is a common home for all Ethiopians regardless of religious differences. The Iftar night encourages Muslims to joint hands  with non-Muslim brothers and sisters for the realization of Ethiopia’s prosperity.

Concerning Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s pledge to support the construction of a Grand Mosque in Addis Ababa, Abubakar stated that the initiative is vital in enhancing the Muslim community’s love of their country and encouraging them to contribute in social, economic and political matters of national importance.

“The pledge for the construction of the Grand Mosque is a historic act that boosts the Muslim community’s sense of belonginess and enhance Muslim unity whilst the move manifested the attention the government attached for Muslims’ long-awaited quest for a place to hold prayers in grant events such as Eid al- Fitr and Eid al- Adha.”

Prime Minister Abiy said in the Iftar night that the mosque will symbolize the iconic Abyssinian Emperor Al-Nejashi who welcomed Companions of Prophet Muhammad when they fled persecution in Mecca.

About the Premier’s promise to give all-out support for the establishment of an Islamic bank, he said that the decision is instrumental in paving ways for Muslim-owned businesses access to loan, foreign exchange and other banking services and curbing the Muslim community’s economic deprivation due to the absence of Islamic banks and the limited availability of interest-free banking services.

The scholar noted that the establishment of Islamic bank is long awaited by Muslims and expressed his belief that the financial inclusivity is significant to bring about desirable outcomes in sustaining the economic progress and helping efforts Ethiopia transforms to the level of Middle-income economies.

Abubaker stressed that Prime Minister Abiy has played iconic role in encouraging dialogue among Muslim scholars in a view to solving differences in a peaceful manner and he has also a unique contribution in the first peaceful transition of power in Ethiopian Islamic leadership history.

“Premier Abiy’s involvement is expected from a good leader that understands the importance of unison in the Muslim community for Ethiopia’s long-cherished peaceful coexistence,” he said, adding that the move derived from the Premier’s desire to mobilize the participation of Ethiopian Muslims for democratization and development of the country.

Applauding the current govern -ment’s firm stance to keep the Muslim unity and non- interference in religious matters, the scholar said that now ‘the door is widely opened’ to the Muslim community to solve problems through the guidance of scholars (Ulema) and to make a meaningful contribution for the peace and development of Ethiopia.

He advised Muslims to capitalize on the age-long culture of consultation to fill religious gaps and take share in supporting government’s vison of building the new Ethiopia through the equal participation of peoples with different religious backgrounds.

The Iftar night was hosted by the Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council and awards were given to high-level government officials including Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Peace Minister Muferihat Kamil for their noble contribution in reconciling the Islamic leadership.

 The Ethiopian Herald May 28 2019


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