Premier renews commitments to green economy dev’t

 .Four billon seedlings to be planted in rainy season

 ADAMA – The government has a strong commitment to boost green economy through advancing agriculture and improving forest coverage, and on the top planting four billon seedlings in this summer, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said.

He made the statement wrapping up the two- day long discussion forum organized to familiarize federal and regional administrators with the new program in which the government aims to mobilize the general public towards augmenting national agricultural productivity Sunday.

The premier also said to achieve the program; a task force led by the prime minister and incorporated representatives from ministries of agriculture, water, irrigation and electricity, transport and the office of the ruling party has been organized at federal level.

Similarly, regional leaders, woreda and zone level administrators would be expected to form their own task forces at regional level until the mid of this June to establish similar taskforce in each respective state.

The agricultural sector will be strengthen and led nation’s economy for the next 30 to 40 years. Therefore, strengthening the sector is an important measure to improve productivity, the premier noted.

In this regard, the government through the Ministry of Agriculture has  conducted a survey to identify the over past ten years of the sector’s strong and weak sides, he said.

The government has a strong initiation to boost crop production in particular and the sector in general, as to him.

Therefore, the government has been undertaking budget allocation, assisting research and agricultural technology institutions and providing agricultural inputs, he told.

He stated that the government has spent the higher budget to the agriculture sector especially for the expansion of farming irrigation.

He underlined that the government has paid the needed attention to the sector and allocated about 20 billion Birr for small and medium scale irrigation projects. The wide lowland areas of the country would be changed to mechanized farming places.

It would also support the sector in finance, technology and professional advice. The research institutions especially the universities ought to specialize in agriculture so that they can hasten the sector advancement with skilled manpower, he noted.

The specialization of the universities would help modernizing the industry and the sector with technology, skill and biotechnology, according to Abiy.

On the other hand, the government is working to produce agricultural inputs in the country. There is also a plan to boost foreign direct investment in agro industry to increase processed and exportable agricultural products, he expressed.

The government has planned to improve market linkage for agricultural products. Various studies have been also conducted to point out schemes to preserve the freshness of perishable goods, he noted.

Accordingly, specific product conserving shades would be constructed in various cities to keep the freshness of perishable agricultural commodities, he said.

As to him, advancing the agriculture sector that embraced the higher population would enable the nation to improve quality of life.

“The government’s commitment to mobilize for the agricultural productivity is part of the plan to avert importing food.”

Country’s agriculture should develop in line with science and latest knowledge. The government would facilitate conditions to participate actively private owners in the area, he underscored.

Meanwhile, the premier also launched this summer’s government program to plant four billion seedlings. According to him, the seedling project would be helpful in regaining country’s forest coverage mainly focused on reforestation.

“Among others, improving our forest coverage would help to conserve soil, improve food production and pure water and to build climate change resilient economy.”

This summer, the government has prepared four billion seedlings to be planted across the country with a theme of “40 Seedlings per Head”. Therefore, every citizen would plant forty seedlings and has a responsibility to nurture it, the premier capitalized.

According to him, some 1,000 seedlings will be planted in the national palace. All leaders from federal and regional level would coordinate the planting and nurturing procedures at the urban and rural areas.

Recently, religious leaders from Christianity and Muslim religions showed their initiation to coordinate their followers in the tree- planting program, according to the prime minister.

The government is highly working to upgrade citizens’ livelihood especially those who are subsistence farmers, he said.

“Ethiopia’s future is rosy so long as we properly mobilize the wide [70 percent] young generation, increase number of educated citizens and create suitable environment.”

The people have to work hard to develop agriculture to substitute import and ensure food security, he noted.

The estimated budget to the seedling cultivation is about 11 billion Birr of which 45 percent is to be covered by volunteers.

Meanwhile, the premier also partaken the inaugurating ceremonies of the statue of General Tadesse Biru and the Oromo culture center in Selale, Oromia state.

The Ethiopian Herald May 28 2019BY YOHANES JEMANEH

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