Eritrea, Somalia cementing shared cooperation

ADDIS ABABA-, Eritrean President Isaias Afeworki landed in Mogadishu yesterday to hold a two-day official visit to Somalia, thereby cementing the wide-ranging cooperation between the two countries.

President Isaias and Somalia President Mohamed Abdulahi Mohamed held discussions in Mogadishu to strengthen the economic and political relations of the two nations.
President Isaias’s visit to Somalia is part and parcel of the consultative tripartite summit of the heads of State and Government of Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia held in Bahir Dar City last November, according o Reuter’s report.

According to a statement released on twitter from Mogadishu, the two presidents agreed to strengthen the bilateral relations of the two countries in all areas of mutual benefits.
The leaders have agreed to enhance the trade, investment and people-to people relations between the two countries.

The Presidents also agreed to boost regional partnership on Horn of Africa for shared development, progress and prosperity.

Regional cooperation is crucial for overcoming common problems such as insecurity, terrorism and poverty that the region has faced so far, the two Presidents stated.
According to resources President Isaias will held a working visit to Kenya.

Herald December 15/2018


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