We go downward direction from highlands of Kambatta specifically Hambricho mountain to relatively flat Gamo Gofa Zone. It was getting warmer and darker. The landscape is totally different from places we have seen before. The large and calm lakes of Arbaminch are getting closer to cool us. We are still far behind from the close sight of lakes as passing through Nech Sar National Park. Yet, they attracted our eyes and the cold wind gave us relief from warm weather. The lakes of Arba Minch: Lake Chamo and Abaya are the second biggest by surface area in Ethiopia.
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey, I hear it in the deep heart’s core.
[The Lake Isle Of Innisfree, W.B. Yeats]
We reached Arba Minch in the evening. The next day we made our journey to relatively new tourist destination: Mogo Kaka. The unique Mogo Kaka is 72 kilometers away from Arba Minch town. On road, we saw the vast banana plantation, thatched huts, the lakes and the mountains at times. It is hear warming scene that offers hope in the country.
Fathers of the Zayse dambile localities, the youths and children recieved us warmingly at the gate of Mogo Kaka. It is very kind and very humane when they welcomed us. Nothing artficial but with pure heart they greeted us, they blessed us.
Peace, love, unity and thoughtfulness to our country
May God bless our guests
God bless our hosts (we said in response)
Mogo Kaka is unusual landscape. It is a striking yellow pile of sand covering 40 hectares of land. It is believed volcanic eruption has taken place and the soil is washed out and yellowish sand is left. Mogo Kaka is bright, refreshing and could be a very good background for photos and videos. When this place becomes known, I am sure people will prefer it for purposes like photography and cinematography. Music video and film makers shouldn’t go abroad to find atmosphere or a setting for their story. For sometime we were lost, not even asking questions. Taking photos, enjoying contrastive colors and taking realization moment!
The Zayse people preserved this place and are proud of it. Zayse is also worth visiting for its people and culture. Zayse people live in a circular hut. As the people’s livelihood is based on farming, animal raring, beekeeping, fishery and banana plantation, you will get authentic taste of food you never find in cities. We have been offered with food and drinks. The food that is basically mixture of corn and butter and it was delicious.
The drink was also the same. It is honey and we drink it in jug passing one to the other. So, the delicious food, unique music instrument, the Zaysete language and the dance moves can equally attract tourists to this place. The genuine hospitality of people is also promisng and an asset that can boost the image and significance of cultural and natural assets of Zayse.
Gemechu Bulbula who works in Gamo Zone Culture and Tourism directorate says activities are going on to make the site accessible, familiar and comfortable. “ We know there should be accessibilty for tourists to come here. Lucky for us, we have asphalt road from Arba minch for 37 kilometers. But the remaining is gravel road. We understand that this need to be improved. It should be asphalted upto the gate. We believe the tourism sector has got deserving focus since the reform. We are working with that spirit. We continue to develop and make to the standard of a tourism site.”
Haregu Petros who works in district office says there is a start of tourism flow to the site but it needs more work for foreign tourists to know the place. Haregu believes connecting this site to other sites like Chamo, Nech Sar Park and other help the site easily to be noticed. “Local tourists have began to come but we have to promote it further. We are trying to provide basic services so that tourist come easily. That is what we are doing along the state government. We are attempting foreign tourists to know about this place. We are connecting it with other sites such as Chamo lake, Nech Sar Park and Crocodile ranch. ”
Haregu says this is an attempt of diversifying tourism sites and have impact on the flow of tourists to the zone. She emphasizes by developing these sites the district planned to create jobs for the youth.
The Zayse people want more guests to come and visit Mogo Kaka and spend time with them. They know that it would create jobs for their youth. But most importantly they want to connect with the world: to progress and people know them and appreciate their culture.
The Ethiopian Herald October 29/2022