Leaders are born

L eadership is instrumental in guiding human beings in the right direction. A good leader is a standard bearer for his followers. He usually expresses his ideas and feelings in a compassionate and magnanimous manner. Love, kindness and compassion are the characteristic features of a good leader. Empathy and sympathy are also the manifestations of a good leader. As leaders are representing global citizens, handling difficult situations wisely in line with interregional and international attributes is a sign of a good leader.

The saying “Leaders are born!” proves itself when leaders respect social norms and universal moral values. Among moral values, golden rules are taken the best instances of good leaders. A good leader heeds public interests and demands. Having commitment, loyalty and integrity are the linchpins for evaluating good leaders. Visionary outlook is also a gift of a good leader. Idiosyncrasy matters a lot in the role of leadership. That is why it is a prerequisite to nominate would-be leaders to the talent bank.

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition May 26/2019


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