Ethiopian flag: Manifestation of diversity, pillar of sovereignty


There is always a strong force behind some symbols. This force though is invisible, it has some type of visible effect- to unite people from different walks of life as one under a single umbrella, take it as their emblem of identity; and compel them to sacrifice their dearest life with the sense of patriotism and pride. For this reason, national flag has special places within the heart of every citizen.

National flag is a source of unity, sovereignty, greatness and pride. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the strong attachments Ethiopians have to their national flag. If there are people who give more value to their national flags than their lives it is Ethiopians. The green, yellow and red flag with a five star in the middle of these colors have a special place in the heart and mind of every Ethiopian. No matter where they live, Ethiopians have special honor, strong love and deep attachment to their national flag.

Throughout history, there was no a single incident that Ethiopians refrained from standing for the sovereignty of their land and to the glory of the flag. This has been attested several times- from historic war till these days.

 Yesterday, Ethiopians marked the 15th national Flag Day colorfully nationwide with the theme “Our flag is the manifestation of our diversity; and pillar of sovereignty.”

While speaking in relation to the Day, President Sahle-Work Zewde said that national flag is a symbol that a country shows its independence and sovereignty.

In a statement the Government Communication Service issued regarding to the Day, celebration of the national flag day shows that Ethiopians are defending the country that they maintained with their blood and sweat.

According to the statement, a flag is a national symbol. Heroes sacrificed for this emblem. They won on the world stage. This flag has left an indelible seal in the heart of children and adults.

The statement underlined that the flag of Ethiopia is the common history of its citizens in the past, the seal of their honor and identity that binds efforts of the present and hopes for tomorrow as well as common national unity.

“Our country, Ethiopia, is the home of gallant citizens who have fought for its sovereignty and unity through ages. This generation is flying its flag high and bringing shame to its eternal enemies who are trying to dismantle it,” the statement continues.

“A flag is a national symbol. Heroes sacrificed for this emblem. They won on the world stage. This flag has left an indelible seal in the heart of children and adults.”

As to the statement, a flag is not a colorful piece of cloth. It is the national emblem. Ethiopian patriots have paid their life for the sake of this flag. The flag has a special place in the heart of every Ethiopian- from the toddler to senior citizens. “The flag is our identity that bears our history; the living witness for our current achievements and an emblem that shows the unity and harmony of Ethiopian Nation, Nationalities and peoples.”

Ethiopia is a mother to those patriots who bear the flag and fought for her glory and unity. This patriotic sentiment is still strong and fresh within the heart of every new generation. Whenever Ethiopia`s sovereignty is threatened by anti-peace elements the new generation will not compromise with anything. The flag he/she inherits will always remind him/her of the great sacrifice of forefathers.

Using internal traitors, our historic enemies have tried their best to stir Ethiopia`s peace and destroy the nation. Using their age old treacheries, they endeavored to create a mess in Ethiopia. However, all the attempts have aborted by the combined hands of Ethiopia`s daughters and sons and their ill intents were successfully overcome by a unifying force of Ethiopians. Due to the strong attachment every Ethiopian has for its land and the flag, the strategy of anti-Ethiopian elements have failed.

National Flag Day is usually celebrated on the first Monday of October in the Ethiopian calendar.

The Ethiopian Herald 18 October 2022

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