Ethiopia joins world countries in introducing new SI units

ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopia has joined world countries to use the newly introduced International System of Units ( SI) as the country marked the 144th World Metrology Day yesterday. The National Metrology Institute of Ethiopia (NMIE) made the announcements. The new standard is based on the fundamental laws of physics and is much more accurate, it was disclosed.

The SI’s which include kilogram, Ampere, Kelvin and mole are replaced with Planck constant, elementary electric charge, Boltzmann constant and Avogadro constant respectively. Speaking at the occasion, Eshete Asfaw, State minister at Ministry of Trade and Industry said the new redefinition of SI units has received an international recognition and aims to minimize error witnessed on measurements.

Industrial Metrology Directorate Director at NMIE, Dagmawi Woldetensai for his part told The Ethiopian Herald that the introduction of the new units is a result of technological improvement. Kilogram was changed by unit known as Planck constant which measures through avoiding errors caused by external factors like temperature, gravity and the like, he said.

The Institute is committed to employ the newly redefined units as it is believed to improve old technologies with better numerical values. Ethiopia is implementing the international Metre convention aligned with proclamation starting from 1969. The World Metrology Day was marked in the country for 12th times under the theme “The International System of Units –Fundamentally better.

The Ethiopian Herald May 24/2019


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