‘Girls Get Equal’ campaign launches

ADDIS ABABA- Plan International Ethiopia has launched Wednesday “Girls Get Equal” campaign demanding, power, freedom, and representation for all girls and young women. Speaking at the Launching, Anne Birgitte Albrectsen, chief executive officer of plan international said, “Today 200,000 girls entered the post-natal world.

 However, it takes 100 years to cope up with men if the effort to empower them keeps going with the current momentum.” “We are delighted to launch this campaign in Ethiopia as the country has been striving to realize gender equality. The appointment of female ministers and the president has paramount importance for our mission.

 It is a great move for our dream of world where girls are equally seen, heard and valued to come true,” she added. She also said that so as to work together for girls’ ambition, the organization has globally come up with youth-led social change campaign entitled Girls Get Equal (GGE)- demanding power, freedom, and representation for all girls and young women.

 Sileshi Tadesse, Gender Mainstreaming Director under the Ministry of Women and Children on his part said that the Ethiopian government has recently been striving to achieve gender equality through launching a campaign entitled ‘GEGNIT’, the Amharic equivalent for heroine.

The government will continue its effort to involve women in key political and economic positions, he added. The event was attended by High ranking government officials, AU representatives, donors, private agencies, youth delegates and public figures.

The Ethiopian Herald May 24/2019


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