Health College inks MoU to expand nuclear medicine, radiotherapy

ADDIS ABABA- Addis Ababa University College of Health Sciences and Chinese Isotope Radiation Corporation inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in which the latter participates in sharing knowledge and technology to the former in the area of nuclear medicine and radiotherapy.

Speaking at the MoU sighing event yesterday, Dr. Solomon Demena Nuclear Medicine Unit Head of the University mentioned the critical challenge the college has been facing to maintain equipment owing to lack of technicians. To him, the cooperation helps to tackle the problem and render better services to patients. Also, Dr. Hagos Tesfaye, who is asst. prof. at the college, said the agreement would support the College’s five-year plan of expanding nuclear medicine services in the country.

He also hints that the ministry of health has plans to expand the services and trainings in other regional hospitals like Jimma, Gondar, Haramaya, Mekelle, Hawasa and Harar. Moreover, prof. song Gao, Corporation’s vice president, said due to lack of latest technology in different countries like Ethiopia, patients have to travel oversees to get the services. The College started the services back in 1979, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald May 24/2019


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