Hail the Blue Economy, Hail the Sheger Project

The concept of globalization has forced the world to think globally and act locally. As a result one can directly or indirectly affect the growth of the other one. If we take water bodies, for instance, they naturally connect countries whether we like it or not.

They are source of our subsistence and necessity for our existence. That is why the world is giving due attention for the development as well as protection of water bodies which covers 3/4 of the earth’s surface. Nowadays, countries are turning their faces towards blue economic development which has potentially assumed job opportunities for millions.

Precisely speaking, the ‘Blue Economy’ has become an emerging concept which encourages better stewardship of ocean or ‘blue’ resources. Originally, it underpins the thinking behind the Commonwealth Blue Charter, highlighting in particular the close linkages between the ocean, climate change, and the well being of the people of the Commonwealth. At its heart, it reaffirms the values of the Commonwealth, including equity and public participation in marine and coastal decision-making.

In today’s world, unless we invest in water bodies, we have no guarantee to live for tomorrow. Understanding the mere fact, some developed countries have been working to get benefit out of it. Others who want to follow their footsteps do the same considering the destructive effect on climate change. But, the expected result is yet to be attained. As a result, the world continued to get hotter than ever before.

Though the African continent is a prior victim for climate change, it has continued to contribute maximum share for the protection and development of natural resources. As part of African countries, Ethiopia has been doing various tasks to develop and protect the green and blue natural resources which have high impact in job creation as well. The tree plantation activities that has been undertaken for years created many jobs especially for the youth residing in rural areas. The nation has announced to plant four billion trees in the upcoming Ethiopian summer.

On the other hand, considering the significance of investing on urban water bodies to ensure food security, eradicate poverty and develop tourism, Ethiopia is aspiring to develop its urban waters and create a huge job opportunity for rapidly growing youth population through equipping them with the prerequisite skills, knowledge and technological capabilities.

Here, it is important to mention the effort exerted by the Ethiopian prime minister Abiy Ahmed to implement the riverside project in the capital. The project essentially aims to lift the image and potential of the capital. With the goal of creating many jobs in the project phase, it also aims at creating riverside economies, increasing urban tourism, and providing the city’s residents with areas of respite.

Some of the impacts expected from the project is to specifically draw international and domestic tourism into the capital with the view of a healthy atmosphere for visitors and create employment for teeming youth and other professionals while at it boost the economies that will serve persons who come into contact with the project. As it has multifaceted advantages, investing both in blue and green economy continues to be of paramount importance to up the economy and build the image of the country.

Such an effort should also be replicated nationwide. For this to happen, citizens should contribute their share to re-innovate Ethiopia as they want. By and large, the foreign community should hail and support the Sheger Project as well as the blue economy stewarded by Ethiopia for the common good of humanity!

The Ethiopian Herald, May 23/2019


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