Ethiopia’s rice production soars to 1.6 mln hectares

Marking major strides in food security

ADDIS ABABA– Ethiopia’s rice production has expanded significantly, growing from 180,000 hectares to 1.6 million hectares over the past two years, according to the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA). This growth is part of ongoing efforts to enhance the country’s rice production and productivity.

MoACrop Development Lead Executive Officer Esayas Lemma told the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) that Ethiopia has implemented extensive initiatives to increase rice coverage, achieving a remarkable leap from the previous 180,000 hectares to 1.6 million hectares in a short span. He acknowledged the country’s minimal productivity in rice farming up to now, stressing the importance of boosting output to meet both local demand and supply chain requirements.

Currently, around 70% of Ethiopia’s rice production is concentrated in the Amhara State, although recent efforts have broadened the scope of rice cultivation across the country. Amhara and South West states lead the charge as the country’s primary rice producers, Esayas noted.

“The farming communities in these states have effectively utilized previously idle lands through various initiatives, benefiting from increased yields,” he said. Furthermore, over 1.6 million hectares of land is currently covered with rice, which Esayas called a significant milestone for enhancing Ethiopia’s food security. To support this growth, preparations are underway to provide mechanized farming equipment to boost production efficiency.

In addition to the strides made in the northern states, rice production is also taking off in other parts of the country. In the Somali State, areas such as Gode, Shebele Zone, and Shinile are currently cultivating rice on 500 hectares, with plans to expand to 3,000 hectares.

Esayas highlighted the extensive efforts underway in both the Somali and Afar states, pointing out that the significant achievements of the past two years demonstrate the country’s commitment to substituting rice imports with local production. “Ethiopia is deploying cutting-edge agricultural technologies and related facilities to further support the nation’s journey towards rice import substitution,” he added.




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