Lame-duck “experts” never disrepute ENDF

The flawed and sham report of the so-called International Commission for Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia has turned out to be a political document based on cooked-up stories and far-fetched allegations.

While wittingly condoning the serious human rights violations of the rogue TPLF element, the report brought up carefully selected incidents to tarnish the good image of the indomitable Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF).

By conducting incomplete, shallow investigation, the report zoomed in on “Mekele shelling”, “Dedebit IDP attacks” in malicious attempt to incriminate the army. It was clear that the Joint Investigation Team of the UN Human Rights Council and Ethiopian Human Rights Commission stated that all parties to the conflict have been involved in atrocities.

Although the Ethiopian government has disagreed with some contents of the JIT report, it has expressed its resolve to give justice to victims. It is unfortunate that civilian causalities may happen during wars. It was for this reason that the incumbent established an Inter-ministerial Task- Forces and filled charges against security personnel who have allegedly perpetrated crimes in Tigray state.

Shamelessly, the commission that turned blind eyes to irrefutable war crimes of the unlawful organization singled out ENDF and attempted to implicate it on crimes the so-called experts fabricated themselves.

The commission laid baseless accusations on the doorsteps of the most-disciplined, well-equipped and well-trained army without incontrovertible evidence. In sharp contradiction to the track-record of the army, the report tried to put ENDF at crosshairs by throwing blistering attack against a force that has been restoring peace and stability in countries including Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan.

The reputation and ethics of the Ethiopia army in fact harkens back to time immemorial when Ethiopia had deployed the first peacekeeping mission in the Korean peninsula. From Congo to Rwanda, the army has received a pat on its back from the international community. Surely, many do not hesitate to call it the peoples’ army. For its commendable achievements, the Ethiopian army was hailed as one of the strongest yet efficient army.

ENDF which has for long stood for defined principles and just causes cannot and should not be the victim of political intrigues and mere defamatory report. And, it must be understood that an attack against ENDF is an attack against the sovereignty and dignity of the Ethiopian people, if not that of the entire Africa. Most definitely, the years of hard work and reputation cannot be undone with politically-motivated accusations!

More to the point, without the proper mandate and standard data collection, analysis and verification techniques, the commission also jumped into a sweeping and incriminating conclusion.

The end goal thus is to whitewash the war crimes of the criminal TPLF clique and criminalize the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF). Undisputedly, the commission jumped the gun to compile the report. And vividly, the report appeared to be a bi-product of data discrimination and omissions.

FDRE Permanent Mission to the UN Geneva in a Sept. 21, 2022 statement puts it clear and succinct: “ENDF is a force committed to protecting the people. It defends Ethiopia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The ENDF does not tolerate any attack against civilians. It has investigated all allegations reported by the JIT and others. It has brought to the military court soldiers accused of such violations. It follows due process. Allegations against individuals must not be the basis to smear the good name of the ENDF.”

The bottom line-the professional ENDF would continue to be the pride of all Africans despite the baseless accusations of Ethiopia’s foes.

The Ethiopian Herald  23 September 2022

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