T-TPLF evil nature unmasked again: IC still silent

The terrorist-designated TPLF has been known for its notorious crimes against people. Its record clearly shows that it always devises meticulous approach when it intends to carry out crimes so as to escape justice. Sadly, there are some quarters that second its claim and resort to amplify the claim.

Recently, the criminal group was attempting to hide its true nature through a mere pretention. But the fact is: a leaked document of the group has lifted the veil on the terrorist thugs. The document puts it in black and white that the criminal entity would present itself as peace-loving entity before the international community to win the latter’s consent. It blatantly said peaceful options are not in the best interests of the group.

The criminal enterprise has now declared an all-out war against Ethiopia. It has irresponsibly made a desperate call on all, including children and the elderly, to march to battle field to spare its life.

Still, those influencing entities are mute. Since it has created a number of partners-in-crime over its close to three decades iron-fist ruling across the globe especially at major power corridors, it fabrications and lies circulates along the so-called international media outlets and the diplomatic stages. No shred of doubt, there are still quite a few entities that pursue a balanced approach regarding the conflict in the northern Ethiopia.

The sham investigation report of International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia (ICHREE) that targets at covering up T-TPLF’s untold crimes is a case in point. In spite of relentless efforts made to acquaint the broader international community with indescribable atrocities committed by the criminal TPLF clique in the northern part of the country, ICHREE revealed a politically framed manuscript.

To the surprise of everyone, the report in broad daylight has given a cold shoulder to unspeakable atrocities perpetrated against innocent civilians in Amhara and Afar states.

The Commission has also turned a blind eye to atrocities perpetrated by the rogue element in Galicoma, Mai Kadra, and other numerous areas.

Apart from absolutely underestimating the solid truth, the Commission has worked to tarnish the positive images of the country and lay the blame at the federal government’s door as it would like to come up with a political conclusion to undermine the Ethiopian National Defense Force and put pressure on the country.

How on earth the commission can draw conclusion about human rights violations committed based on such unsubstantiated rumors merely secured through the phone from Uganda with few individuals?

It is well remembered that the commission reported to the United Nations Human Rights Council as it could hardly conduct a “thorough investigation” due to a lack of resources and similar reasons.

As everyone can obviously witness from the report, the ultimate goal of the group is to discolor the reputation of the Ethiopian Defense Forces and the government via misleadingly accusing the government using starvation as a weapon.

Prior to unveiling the flawed report, the Commission, made a politically motivated and T-TPLF-oriented statement concerning the renewal of the conflict provoked by the terrorist group. The statement did really annoy the Ethiopian government and people of Ethiopia as it is full of partial sentiment and politically framed one.

How many more lives should be lost before the IC take serious actions against the terrorist TPLF?

The Ethiopian Herald  22 September 2022

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