A park that mirrors GERD in the pipeline

Ethiopia is due to build a model national park that symbolically characterizes the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). Apart from demonstrating a wide spectrum of traditions, cultures and norms of the various Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia, the park, to be put in place in the heart of the capital around Kolfe Keranio sub city, takes account of cinema, hotel, among others.

 As most people may not have the opportunity to pay homage to GERD found in BenishangulGumuz, citizens will have the model park at their disposal. In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald so disclosed The Cartographic Engineer Dr. Engineer Tilahun Erduno, a lecturer at Adama Science and Technology University and one of the board members of the park’s committee.

The model national park which is due to be constructed in the capital will play a major role in creating unity, oneness, love and harmony amongst the various Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia, he noted. In the same way, as part of building the model national park, special attention will be paid to the construction of modern hotels, cinema houses and other entertaining centers that have the allurments of winning the hearts and minds of everyone, he added.

A committee comprising 16 members from a wide array of specialization is set, he said. As indicated by him, GERD is a historic flagship project of the country. Aside from its symbolism as the pride and prosperity of Ethiopia, it is the treasure of the region without a shadow of a doubt. To this point, the people of Ethiopia have been paying lot of sacrifices. A case in point, all Ethiopians regardless of wealth bracket, age, sexual category, ethnicity, religious afflation, among others, have contributed to GERD.

In the same way, shoeshine boys and girls, women firewood sellers, and others who got themselves involved in petty business have contributed their share for the realization of the dam. He stressed that the government has already granted a site for the construction of the park. The budget for building the park and other similar activities is going to be collected from the general public down the road. As a matter of fact, surveying and architectural designing are going to be the first and second tasks .

On the other hand, the GERD belongs to the various Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia as the presence of a wide array of rivers flowing from various corners of the country and making a confluence the Nile River. To put it simply, they have been contributing their share for the dam. He further stressed that some people accept as true that the River Nile originates only from one state as they do not know the existing reality on the ground.

Furthermore, print and electronic media should play a major role in raising awareness until the completion of the dam for the most part targeting at the various benefits the general public secure out of the dam. He continued: “As usual, considering what had been done by the unreformed ones, the general public do not have to abstain themselves from getting involved in assisting the dam. They do not have to be discouraged. They are accountable for what they had done. The past do not have to affect the present and the future. The other thing is that people should distance themselves from those who make an effort to pour gasoline on the fire.”

 “Building the dam is the responsibility of all Ethiopians. It is our common agenda. The general public should leave no stone unturned to see to its completion. We do not have to hold grudge for what had already happened in the past. The government as well should work hard to bring into justice the corrupt ones and hold the wrongdoers accountable. The people of Ethiopia should keep on working hand-in-glove for the realization of the dam.” he wrapped up.

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition May 19,  2019


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