TPLF is to be blamed

 The TPLF was restarted the war in order to hide and overshadow the demand of the people of Tigray and to fulfill its needs and the interests of other anti-Ethiopian forces. Since its inception, the terrorist group is not desirable to accept and listen to different ideas and agendas. The group has been killing and eliminating those who have different ideas. There is no historical instance where a problem has been resolved through dialogue and peace.

The people of Tigray have been badly affected by the war waged by the terrorist group. The people would raise many questions if they get peace. Closing the doors of peace and continuing with the option of war is the interest of the group. The people of Tigray are asking for recovery from the damage they suffered in the last war and that according to the TPLF’s calculation it will shorten its existence. On the other hand, the war is not only with the TPLF, but the historical enemies who do not want the unity and peace of Ethiopia and are working on it.

The people of Tigray are a peace-seeking people who understand the destructiveness of war through history and that the destruction group is spreading false propaganda and leading the people to another round of misery. Through creating false narratives and propaganda, the TPLF is working to separate the people of Tigray region from the entire Ethiopian people who have lived together in peace and unity for centuries, Minister of Defense Dr.

 “Despite TPLF’s victimhood tactics, which include blaming and demonizing the gov’t and asserting ficticious victories, the Ethiopian gov’t will never hesitate to uphold its constitutional obligations to safeguard the lives and livelihoods of all Ethiopians,” Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen.

 “I underlined the commitment of the government of Ethiopia to engage in peace talks without precondition, at any venue and at any time under the leadership of the African Union’s peace process to end the cycle of violence. However, from the historical context and precipitating factors of the conflict in the nation’s northern part as well as the character of the TPLF, which consistently downplayed the peace effort, failed to reciprocate the confidence-building measures taken by the Federal Government of Ethiopia, and most recently launched an offensive war on nearby regions in the Amhara and Afar regional states of Ethiopia,” Tizita Mulugeta, the Ambassador of Ethiopia to India.

 “Ethiopia has no logical reason to start the war and while it is committed to peace, the government has an obligation to defend the sovereignty of the nation and security of its people. I also underlined that the TPLF started the war in Afar and Amhara regions,” Ethiopian Permanent Representative to the UN Office at Geneva, Ambassador Zenebe Kebede while speaking to @BBCWorld.

The Ethiopian Herald September 3/2022

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