Endalegeta Kebede: Another writer taking Ethiopia’s literature to international stage


Ethiopia has a long history of writing and recording as it is among 21 nations in the world that have their own alphabets. The Ge’ez alphabet makes Ethiopia the only African nation with its own alphabet and tradition of writing. Ethiopia has also multiple gifts that could help thrive literature in the country. Geograhical and weather contrasts, culture, customs, languages, traditional wisdom and other diversities are among the assets Ethiopian writers can further exploit. It is also a land of many mythological stories, legends and fables even as Greek fabulist Aesop considered to have sourced stories from Ethiopia or himself is Ethiopian.

Despite the histories and gifts of literature, according to Encyclopedia Britanica, Ethiopian modern literature began lately in 19th century. Encyclopedia Britanica documented the inception of modern Amharic literature as follows: “With the restoration of Ethiopian independence after the Italian occupation of 1936–41, a great impetus was given to Amharic literature, with Emperor Haile Selassie encouraging authors to produce many types of books, especially on moral and patriotic themes. Writers of merit during this period were Makonnen Endalkachew (who produced allegorical novels and plays), Kebede Mikael (verse dramas, some history and biography), and Tekle Tsadiq Mekuria (histories).”

Since then many Ethiopian writers with different literary gifts began to emerge. Due to language barrier and other reasons, Amharic literature was however confined to local audience and writers’ influence and recognition was limited inside the country. But some writers with distingushed skills were able break the barrier into publishing their works by UK based Oxford printing press and US based African Writers series. Sahle Sellassie Berhane Mariam’s The Afersata and Daniachew Worku’s The Thirteenth Sun appeared on African Writers series while Abe Gubegna’s only English novel Defiance published by Oxford printing press.

Not only signing with big publishing companies, some Ethiopian writers were also successful in collecting continental and international awards and thereby promote Ethiopia’s literary richness. For instance, Tsegaye Gebremedhin received United Poets Laureate International, and many other international awards. Daniachew Worku who is known outside Ethiopia for his English novel Thirteenth Sun in 1967 became one of 12 writers to join the first year of the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa. Solomon Deresa, Abe Gubegna and Getachew Tarekegn were also among particpants of this writers exchange event after Daniachew.

For a long time, Ethiopia has just been represented at international stage by its Diaspora writers such as Maaza Mengsite, Dinaw Mengstu and Lemn Sisay. It was rare local Ethiopian writers to even to be known at continental level. But this week prolific writer Endalegeta Kebede become another Ethiopian writer to particpate in International Writing Program at Iowa.

Endalegeta is versatile in writing successful novel, short story anthologies, anthology of poetry, itinenary, biograhies and contributes articles for local megazines and newspapers. Zagol, Ke Tekur Semay sir, Derso mels, Ker Shado and Bealu Girma Hiwotu ena sirawochu are among notable works of the author. The author is also known for his participation in literary events and helping emerging authors. In fact, he has Book bank called Walya which collects books by organizing various events and donates books to schools in parts of the country. He established library in his hometown. He was also making utmost effort to instill reading culture among young generation. Through his every saturday program many authors have got opportunity to promote their new books and make contact with their readers. Hence, Endalegeta isn’t just literay figure. He is also literarcy activist.

In its congratulatory message, American Embassy in Addis Ababa said the program allows Endalegeta to share his experience, gain others experience in return and establish connection with international writers.

“We congratulate Ethiopian writer, folklorist, and philanthropist, Endalegeta Kebede (PhD), for being selected to participate in the 2022 International Writing Program. The selection process was highly competitive, including 115 nominations from 64 countries. The U.S. Department of State will cover Endalegeta’s expenses to join University of Iowa’s 10-week fall residency program. His participation in the program will allow him to share his experience with other established international fellows and join a network of international writers.”

Endalegeta as he is in his young age he would have much to contribute for the growth of Ethiopian literature. The international experience is anticpated to postively affect Endalegata to promote his further country differently that is being associated with. His success will also be an inspiration to young writers who aspire to reach and be recognized at international stage.


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