Collaboration to tackle the most pressing issues of our times


Ethiopia, by launching national volunteer service programs with the aim to tackle social problems, further strengthen a culture of supporting each other and promote a sense of national unity, is undertaking various activities.

Especially in its Kiremt (rainy season) volunteers programs and tasks carried out at various parts of the country, the nation has witnessed visible and encouraging outcomes.

For instance, billions of tree seedlings were planted across the country. Vulnerable segments of the society, who were always worried about the rainy season fearing that something bad might have happened to them for the reason of their houses were worn out, have got relief because their houses are renovated or reconstructed.

Currently, making the program a culture, in addition to the youth, employees of governmental and non-governmental institutions, individual volunteers among others are actively participating in a number of volunteers’ activities.

Of late, as part of its Kiremt volunteer program, the Ministry of Health has announced a week-long nationwide plan to provide free medical care services to 100,000 citizens. According to the Ministry, the medical service will be provided by  coordinating volunteer health professionals from private, non-governmental and governmental health institutions from August 22 to 27, 2022 under the motto “Virtue for Our Health.” And activities are ongoing to launch the service.

As Health Minister Dr. Lia Tadesse stated, during the six-day voluntary service campaign, various medical services will be provided to poverty-stricken segments of the society who cannot pay for the services, homeless persons, as well as other vulnerable sections.

At the campaign, wide-ranging activities, including sensitizing and counseling works, will be carried out to create awareness among the communities. In this regard, awareness raising works will be done on issues such as communicable and non-communicable ailments, cholera, and the like water-borne disease, malaria, HIV and AIDS, COVID-19 pandemic. Likewise, awareness on similar illnesses that need special attention, such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and health problems such as cervicalgia, eye, skin, mental health, and nutrition would be provided.

And subsequent to the examination, those people who need further treatments and care will be referred to relevant healthcare facilities and will be provided with additional services, the Minister added.

As to the Minister, for the past four years, Ministry of Health, joining hands with its allied organizations and the community, has been giving voluntary services, especially in its Kiremet voluntary programs. Ranging from states to woredas and kebeles, it has been taking part in tree plantations, urban agriculture activities, renovation of shabby houses of elders, and collecting educational materials for students from low-income families.

“The campaign, aside from providing health services, will contribute significantly in raising our peoples’ awareness about health matters, and furthering our time-honored culture of supporting each other,” she expressed her hope.

The Ethiopian Herald  21 August 2022

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